  • 學位論文


Futures Thinking of the Students in the Field of Futures Studies

指導教授 : 宋玫玫


本研究主要探討未來學領域的學生在學習過程中如何習得未來學的概念,透過長期性、批判性、多元性的思考三個未來化思考的元素,找出未來學領域學生在求學期間透過哪些學習焦點、學習型態與過程,習得未來化的概念,試圖瞭解學生入學前後在思考方式上有何轉變與差異,碩士班學生如何發展其未來化思考,建構彼此不同風格的未來化思維,最後結合受訪者對於未來化體現在碩士班課程的建議,運用研究所得資料,針對研究發現的資料進行未來化學習的因果層級分析。 本研究運用深度訪談法蒐集未來學碩士班學生及畢業生的觀點,從受訪者進入未來學領域前對未來學的想像與理解程度之背景進行挖掘,接著瞭解受訪者學習未來學的過程、進一步未來化思維的累積、以及思考方式的轉變,再結合受訪者對於未來化體現在碩士班課程的建議,運用研究所得資料,針對研究發現的資料進行未來化學習的因果層級分析。 經研究發現,未來學領域學生進入碩士班之前對未來學只有許多想像但沒有太多理解。未來化概念的習得,經由未來學的基礎必修課程對未來學有進一步的了解,而且不同學生對未來學有相異學習焦點與思考焦點,進而有不同程度、不同面向未來化思維的累積。受訪者在未來化思考方式上變得較能以邏輯思考、多元思考的方式進行判斷跟分析,能運用未來學的方法對未來的事物進行規劃。


The research investigates how students in Futures Studies learned the concepts of futures thinking. It also tries to find out how students in the field learn the three elements of futures thinking, which are long-term futures thinking, critical futures thinking, and diversify thinking. Through the study, the researcher tries to understand master students’ changes in futures thinking before and after their graduate studies in the field. Finally, the researcher integrates the ideas of “futurization” derived from the respondents’ suggestions and analyzes the learning the futures thinking with casual layer analysis. The research data generated from in-depth interviews with students and graduates from a master’s program in Futures Studies. Results show that the students were not familiar with Future Studies before entering the program. But through the core curricular of Future Studies, students were able to focus on different ways of learning and thinking through the process of their academic learning concepts of futures thinking. Respondents became more capable in logical thinking, in diversified thinking, and in planning for the future.


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Inayatullah, S. (1998). Causal layered analysis: Poststructuralism as method. Futures, 30(8), 815-829.


