  • 學位論文


The educational systems of Peru and a Asian countries and their effects on human capital

指導教授 : 黃富娟


該研究試圖釐清一個國家的教育問題是否與人力資本、經濟發展與生活水準有直接且密切的關係。假使一個國家擁有高質量的教育體系,並可以促進科技研究領域,就能夠在合理的時間內得到高素質人力資本,讓國家實現高度的工業化、良好的生活水準以及繁榮的經濟發展,反之亦然。 其次,關於本次研究目的是確立秘魯的教育體系能否間接促進科學與技術的研究,從而提高人力資本,順帶為秘魯帶來高度的工業化。然而在這次研究中,以亞洲地區-東亞國家為例,所得到的結論為教育體制影響國家的經濟發展與工業化的過程,足以證實其相關論點。 最後,祕魯身為一個位於在環太平洋地區的國家,因此也採用了與東亞國家相同的教育體制與公共政策。然而,在客觀上,祕魯還是低於PISA測試的平均範圍,並尚未達到經濟發展與工業化過程中所需的人力資本。反觀,台灣實施的教育體制對一國經濟發展與工業化方面具有顯著的影響,正讓台灣走向高度發展的面向。


The purpose of the research is to address the problem of the educational model of a country and its relationship with the creation and quality of human capital. That is, if a country has an educational model oriented to the study of science and mathematics, in its students from the school stage, could not only build, but also accumulate human capital that leads that country to scientific and technological development. On the contrary, if a country lacks an educational model that is not oriented to the study of science and mathematics, in its students from the school stage, it will not be able to build human capital that allows it to achieve economic takeoff, nor industrial transformation. The first purpose of this research is to make known if the educational models of some East Asian countries have focused their objectives and methods on the study, in their students, of science and mathematics, which allows them from the school stage to prepare and accumulate a human capital oriented to this objective. Likewise, the second purpose of the research is to use the PISA 2015 - 2018 tests as evidence that the educational models of some East Asian countries guide students from the school stage to science and mathematics, which has allowed them the evident economic takeoff and industrial transformation. Finally, the third purpose of the research is to make a brief preliminary examination of the strengths or weaknesses of the educational model that is applied in Peru and if they have focused their objectives and methods on the study, among their students, of science and math. To achieve this purpose, the results of the PISA 2015-2018 tests will be used to show evidence. The only preliminary conclusions reached are the following: (1) The educational model applied by a country is the consequence of a larger political-economic model. (2) For the educational model to be successful, the political-economic model must have the firm commitment of the political elite that governs said country to achieve goals of economic takeoff and digital transformation. (3) Some data has been exhibited, among them the results of the Pisa 2015-2018 Test, which show that some East Asian countries orient their educational models and methods, among their students, to science and mathematics, which has enabled economic takeoff and digital transformation. (4) It can be noted that, in Peru, there are some data and some testimonies (only preliminary) that show some weaknesses of the educational model. (5) Some data (only preliminary) are shown, among them the results of the Pisa 2015-2018 Test, which would reveal that Peru would not guide the educational model and method among its students to science and mathematics. This would prevent it, for the time being, from initiating economic takeoff and digital transformation.


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