  • 學位論文

基隆罾仔寮社區地景改造研究 -以安平里台鐵宿舍區到福德祠段為例

The Research on Retrofitting Communal Landscapes To Zeng Zai Liao Keelung ーthe case within Taiwan Railway company dormitories to the Fu-de temple in Anping village

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本論文的研究目的是在罾仔寮社區中,找到以行人與單車優先,並結合社區地景和歷史脈絡的新社區發展計畫,而非僅考慮以機動車輛串連而成的社區計畫。 罾仔寮社區老舊建築日漸需要維護,機能逐漸弱化,人行步道品質也在社區機能弱化中顯得雜亂。 此外,近來曾仔寮與基隆火車站及中山一路拓寬案帶來新公共建設,且提供社區發展新機會。 但新公共建設同時也帶來高強度發展,加上原基隆市都市計畫是以機動車為主的大街廓模式,使當前有機紋理的社區面臨考驗。 研究者試圖透過與當地居民訪談,並實際觀察社區各生活路線及房舍狀態,綜合四個都市設計理論,整理分析出三個價值系統:一、都市價值 二、垂直動線景觀價值 三、人行單車坡道實用價值系統。在設計上,置入了線性階梯、風雨廊道、廣場和公園系統, 並改造民宅為公共梯廳, 提出老屋整建建議。 在研究成果上,于設計操作中,找到社區垂直移動的新路線,並配置公園與廣場,與新車站帶來的商業區位規劃,連結當前有機社區紋理,加上以行人單車優先的三個價值系統社區發展提案,提出休閒與居住的新可能。


The purpose of the paper is to find a new community plan for Zeng Zai Liao community, which focuses on the priorities of pedestrians and bicycles as well as preserving community landscape and historic sites, instead of only thinking of linking the path of motor vehicles in the community . The old houses in Zeng Zai Liao community need maintenance , which also makes the pedestrian path cluttering. Besides , the recent urban renewal of the Zeng Zai Liao community adjacent to the Keelung Railway station and the Zong-shan First Road widening case brings new public constructions and new opportunities for the community . However , new public constructions always bring highly-intense destruction . In addition , the Keelung City intends to develop an urban renewal plan which contains larger street blocks with the vehicle-based model, challenging the current and future development of the organic community texture . Through interviewing the local residents and observing the community life routes and the state of houses, the researcher attempts to combine four urban design theories and derive three value systems: 1. the value of urban cities 2. a vertical moving-line landscape value 3. the pedestrian-ramp-bicycle priority value system. In design, the researcher places a linear ladder, a rain corridor and squares and parks, in addition to transforming houses to a public hall and undergoing necessary old houses refurbishment. The research results are found in designing: a new vertical movement route can be operated in the community with parks and squares surrounded. Besides, the new railway station renewal brings new commercial needs in the current context of the organic community texture. With the three value systems mentioned above, it is possible to create new opportunities of leisure and life for the Zeng Zai Liao community.


Francis D.K. Ching
Hilde Heynen
Roger Trancik
2015 《老屋顏》台北:馬可孛羅文化
