  • 學位論文


The Basic Research of Keelung Yen Family and Ancestral Residence at Fulongju

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


基隆顏家為臺灣五大家族之一,基隆顏家起源,與臺灣礦業的發展有深深的因緣,也是五大家族唯一是以產業發展而成名的家族,成為臺灣的「炭金霸王」之說。 基隆顏家入臺,始見明天啟元年(1621年),顏思齊率眾入墾雲林北港與嘉義新港一帶,但因生計難求而返回福建安溪(泉州市),再來為顏浩妥於清乾隆六十年(1795年),率子侄渡臺,是年也返回原鄉。直到嘉慶十二年(1807年),顏玉蘭、玉賜兄弟率子侄再次渡臺,先居臺灣中部發展。而後往北上發展定居暖暖碇內,後因分家以玉蘭二子斗猛與玉賜三子斗博轉往瑞芳斥資購於魚桀魚坑溪洲,共創祖厝「福隆居」於溪州,建田寮以居。而後因發現砂金,使顏家開始往炭金礦發展。由此祖厝「福隆居」與基隆顏家的發展有密切的關係,以祖厝「福隆居」作為研究出發點,基於是基隆顏家的一份子,更因瞭解自家家族發展史,亦使國人瞭解基隆顏家如何開啟成為臺灣礦業史上第一家族。 承上述,本研究將以基隆顏家為主,針對重要遺留下來的建築,探討顏家遷移史與歷經清代、日治與戰後各時期的發展過程。本研究主要內容如下: 1. 藉由各時期的史料文獻,了解基隆顏家在歷經清代、日治與戰後居住過哪些 地方與家族產業經營發展過程。 2. 顏家進入鑛業產業重要時期是在日治,而當時居住於瑞芳,在同治五年(1866年)顏正春建「福隆居」,此處成為顏家重要發跡地,經過田野調查與分析,了解出祖厝的規模與樣貌。希望未來顏家祖厝在修復上及調查上,有基礎資料作為參考。 3. 顏家因產業發展之關係,陸續離開祖厝遷移至其它地方居住,而在大正八年 (1919年),木村久太郎將基隆的日式宅邸賣給顏雲年,後續陸續興建並將取名為「陋園」。藉由史料及舊照片還原出基隆顏家陋園的規模與變化。


Keelung Yen Family is one of the five famous families in Taiwan. Yen Family has deeply impacted Taiwan coal mining industry. They are the only one who were based on the industry development in the five families and became the “king of black gold”in Taiwan. In 1621, Shi-Chi Yen (顏思齊)led people to the area of Yunlin Bei-gan and Chayi Hsin-Gan for land reclamation, but they went back to Fujeng An-xi in the end because it was hard to make a living there. In 1795, How-Tow Yen(顏浩妥) led his sons and nephews to Taiwan again, but they returned to their hometown in the same year. Until 1807, the Yen brothers, Yu-Lan Yen and Yu-Xi Yen(顏玉蘭、玉賜), led their sons and nephews to the central part of Taiwan to develop their business. Then, they moved up to the northern part and settled down in Keelung Nuan-nuan. As the family separated, Do-Mon, the second son of Yu-Lan, and Do-Bor, the third son of Yu-Xi, moved to Keelung Jue-fun together. They bought Shi-chow land, and built “Fulongju” (福隆居). After they found sand gold around there, they developed their business on coal and gold mining. Therefore, the Yen family has a close relationship and development with "Fulongju". As a member of the Yen family, it is a good start to do the research on "Fulongju" to know much more of the Yen family history and their phylogeny. The study would also make people be aware of the Yen family, and how the Yen family becomes the first family of mining history in Taiwan. According to the aforementioned, the theme of the research is focused on the important architectures left from the Keelung Yen Family, and the paper goes to discuss the migratory history of the Yen Family and its developmental process from the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese Colonial Period to the Postwar Period. The main contents of the research are as following: 1. By means of historical documents in different periods, understanding where the Keelung Yen Family had lived and its developmental process of managing the family industry from the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese Colonial Period to the Postwar Period. 2. The key period when the Yen Family enterd the mining industry is the Japanese Colonial Period, and they lived in Ruifang at the time. In the 5th year of Tongzhi Emperor(1866), Yen Zheng-Chun(顏正春) built the ‘Fulongju’(福隆居), where became the crucial rising place of the Yen Family. To extrapolate the scale and appearance of the ancestral residence by field investigation and analysis. Expect to have basic information as references on repairs and investigation of the Yen Family’s ancestral residence in the future. 3. The Yen Family left their ancestral residence and moved to other places successively because of industrial development. And then, in the 8th year of Taisho(1919), Kimura Kyutaro(木村久太郎) sold his Japanese-style mansion in Keelung to Yen Yun-Nien(顏雲年). The mansion was subsequently built and named ‘Lou Yuan’(陋園), Keelung Yen Family’s Mansion. By means of historical materials and old pictures, the paper goes to revive the scale and changes of the Keelung Yen Family’s ‘Lou Yuan’(陋園).


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