  • 學位論文


The story of Pérez the Mouse: A comparative analysis on its different versions

指導教授 : 林盛彬


小老鼠貝雷茲是在西班牙以及西語文化圈中廣為人知的一位傳說人物。據說,小孩子脫掉乳齒後,將乳齒放在枕頭底,半夜小老鼠貝雷茲就會取走放在枕頭底的牙齒,換成一個小禮物或是一枚金幣。悠久的牙仙風俗不僅是全球性的更是西班牙根深蒂固的傳統。而在西班牙文學中第一位以此傳說人物作為主角的作者就是路易斯·科洛馬(Luis Coloma),他在十九世紀末因西班牙宮廷的請求為當時年僅八歲且正面臨換牙的西班牙小國王阿方索十三世(Alfonso XIII)所寫的童話故事。 本論文從兒童文學改寫的角度切入,以文本分析的方式,分別從人物、情節、語言以及文本中所內蘊的主題意涵進行比較,以«老鼠貝雷茲»各改寫本與原本之間的改寫變化探究兒童讀物改寫所具目的,亦歸結出與之相呼應的兒童文學特性。 本文共分成四章。在緒論中先介紹本文的研究動機、研究方法及研究目的。第一章探究貝雷茲老鼠作為西班牙文化符號的發展及重要性,並論此第一本牙仙童話與柯洛馬作者之關係以其改寫之必要性。第二章以六個面向與原版比較並列出異同,同時在異同分析中強調出兒童文學中的特色。第三章以兒童文學的特性與功能來分析歸類各版本的改寫變化。第四章結論,整理前幾章分析出的兒童改寫的目的、原則以及方法並探討兒童改寫時注意的幾項重點及兒童文學應有的特色。


The Tooth Fairy is a very popular and legendary figure among the Spanish and Hispanic children. Everyone knows that the tooth fairy is going to leave gifts or coins under the pillow when their fall milk teeth fall out. This is considered not only a universal tradition, but also deeply rooted in Spain. In the nineteenth century appeared the first story of the tooth fairy, Jesuit Luis Coloma especially wrote for the prince and future king of Spain at the era. Alfonso XIII, when he dropped one of his teeth for the very first time. In this study, the intention is to analyze it from the perspective of children's adaptation comparing the different adaptations of the first story of Luis Coloma, as well as the original story and the narrative elements: its characters, structure, time, space, narrator, language and themes in order to ascertain the importance to adapt the stories for the young audience. In addition, this investigation leads to a series of conclusions upon the features and functions of the changes, which correspond to the typical features of children's literature. This work is divided into four chapters. They are the introduction, the research objectives, and the analytical methodology. In the following, I offer a declaration of the "Tooth Fairy", stating this tradition, its importance in Spain and its possible development to take as a significant sign in the Spanish cultural context. Furthermore, it relates to the author's life, children's literature and the elements which are necessary to be adapted. In the second chapter we will make comparisons between the original stories and demonstrate its related adaptations, and as in them we will emphasize on its typical characteristics of children's literature. In the third section, we will analyze and classify the functions of such changes through three characteristic concepts of children's literature: the child, the ludicrous and pedagogy. Last but definitely not least, we summarize three main general critics for the performance of a children's adaptation, which are considered the comprehensibility of readers like children and teenagers. Recreating the fun and imaginary scenes that can enhance the charm of reading. And finally, it could delete the inappropriate thoughts.


Referencias bibliográficas
Cervera, Juan. La creación literaria para niños. Bilbao: Mensajero, 1997.
Clark, Margaret Sydnor; Bueno, Beatriz. Escribir literatura infantil y juvenil. Barcelona: Paidós, 2005.
Lluch, Gemma. Invención de una tradición literaria: de la narrativa oral a la literatura para niños. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2007.
Teoría de las adaptaciones de la literatura infantil
