  • 學位論文


A Research on Second Foreign Language Education at Japanese High Schools: Focus on Chinese-language Education

指導教授 : 闕百華


自九○年代開始,有越來越多的日本高中將中文納入外語課程。其原因歸究有四:①日本與中國大陸、台灣在經濟文化上的交流逐漸擴大;②一九九一年度起,日本文部省指定多所高中進行外語教育多樣化研究,其中三十二所學校針對中文教育展開實踐性研究;③由於少子化問題越趨嚴重,日本高中開始努力突顯各校的特殊性;④除了既有的英文與法文外,日本大學統一入學測驗於一九九七年度又增加了中文考試。過去,日本高中生選擇中文大多是基於對中國語言及文化的特殊喜好,但現在越來越多的學生為了將來的就業需求而選修中文。 目前,日本高中的第二外語教育以中文為最大宗,甚至凌駕在德文、法文之上。但即使如此,有開設中文科目的高中仍未滿日本高中總數的一成,甚至有部分縣內掛零。職是之故,我們可以說日本高中的中文教育仍處於搖籃期。由於高中中文教師們的熱情,日本高中的中文教育也不斷改善。然而,目前仍有諸多問題尚待解決,包括:基準教科書的編纂、師資的養成與確保、學分數不足、兼職講師的身分保障等。本論文主要使用日本文部科學省(舊文部省)發行的書籍・白書・統計、TJF出版的調查報告,再加上其他研究論文・教材資料與網路上的公開資料等,進行綜合性的分析研究,期能成為我國高中第二外語教育以及對外華語教語之參考。


Since year 1990’s, more and more Japanese high schools incorporate “Chinese” into one of their foreign language courses. There are four reasons: (1) The increasing close tie in economics and cultural exchanges between Japan and China/Taiwan. (2) High schools of researchers commissioned by the Education Ministry since 1991, 32 of them started feasibility studies about Chinese language education. (3) Due to the sharp decline in the number of births, Japanese high schools started to develop their own school specialties to satisfy the higher needs of new generation students. (4) Since 1997, University Testing Center Examination(UTCE) has added Chinese as a new test item, besides existing English and French. In the past, the students choose Chinese mainly basing on their interests in Chinese language/literature and culture, but now, more and more students study the language for job requirement. At present, in Japanese high schools, Chinese is leading Germany and French in second foreign language as the most favorite selection. But, however, only less than 10% of Japanese high school have the Chinese courses now, some prefectures even have no such course in any school. Therefore, the high school Chinese language education is still in infancy period in Japan. But, in the meantime, the Japanese high school Chinese language education continues to improve due to enthusiasm of teachers of the courses. Now the main areas need to improve are: the editing of standard textbook, the cultivation and retention of teachers, too less number of courses/credits available, ensuring job security of part time teachers, etc. The information used in the thesis mostly come from published books and reports of Japanese Education Ministry, The Japan Forum; other research papers, educational material information, and other public information from the internet. Based on these and a generic analysis and research, it is expected that the thesis can be used as an useful reference for the study of the second foreign language education in high schools of our country.


1.大石智良・凌志偉・曽士才・千野明日香・鈴木靖著(1999)『ポイント学習 中国語初級〔新装版〕』東京:東方書店。
