  • 學位論文


The Effect of Distribution on The Sale of Life Insurance Company-Dependent Agent versus Independent Agent

指導教授 : 汪琪玲


國人對於保險的認知與需求逐漸提高,保險商品之發展亦越來越多 元,且近幾年來金控法的立法,使得保險通路的使用有很大的改變。保險公司為因應不同之商品內容與顧客之需求來尋求最適之通路-多元通路的使用已成為目前的趨勢,若可以掌握通路之特性並好好運用,相信會為保險公司帶來極大的利益。在國外,「保險通路之特性」是一直被探討的議題,且可以許多面向切入探討之。因此,我們欲藉由過去國外學者的發現,進而探討我國保險通路的特性是否與國外保險通路的特性相似、或是有不一樣的發現。而本研究效法過去國外文獻,將保險通路區分專屬代理人通路以及獨立代理人通路,以某壽險公司之意外與健康險商品及可取得之相關資料做為研究樣本,並以「商品廣告銷售策略採取與否」及「風險分類能力」兩個特性面向切入探討兩通路間之特性。 在本研究中,保險公司對於商品是否採取廣告銷售策略之定義,是以商品是否透過電視通路銷售之時點來區分,且將契約特性納入考慮並做進一步探討。另外,探討通路間之風險分類能力時,以保單的出險機率及損失率做為衡量比較基礎。並以多種迴歸模型做更鞏固的實證分析-probit regression、negative binomial regression以及tobit regression。本研究實證結果發現:一、保險公司對於type _A保單行使廣告銷售策略時,較偏好採用獨立代理人通路;而對於type_B及type _C保單採取廣告銷售策略時,則較偏好採用專屬代理人通路。二、無論以出險機率亦或是損失率衡量兩通路之風險分類能力,我們發現:透過專屬代理人通路所銷售的保單具有較高之出險機率及損失率,亦可說獨立代理人具有較佳之風險分類能力。


The distribution of insurance has changed increasingly within the raising of demand and knowledge of insurance by people. Multi-distribution has become the primary distribution strategy of the insurance company in Taiwan. However, We should know characteristics of distributions so that can help insurance companies to place the optimal distribution for the product, and bring more benefits for themselves. Thus, the purpose of this paper is investigating characteristics of distributions with two directions for the advertising strategy and the risk classification ability. In addition, we take distributions into the dependent (exclusive) agent and the independent agent, and we use the information of Life insurance products as empirical data in this paper. We define the insurance product that adopt advertising strategies is passing through the period of the TV sales, and we use the loss ratio and claim times as the measure of the risk classification ability between the dependent agent and the independent agent. Finally, the empirical results of this paper shows as the following: 1. When using the advertising strategy on type_ A policies, they prefer use the independent agent to sale products. Otherwise, they prefer use the dependent agent to sale type_ B and type_ C policies with the advertising strategy. 2. No matter what we use the measure of the risk classification ability, we find insurance policies which sold by dependent agent with greater loss ratio and claim times than sold by independent agent. Thus, we can conclude that the independent agent have the better risk classification ability than the dependent agent.


1.Barrese , James, Helen I. Doerpinghaus, & Jack M. Nelson. 1995. Do Independent Agent Insurers Provide Superior Service? The Insurance Marketing Puzzle. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 62(2): 297-308.
2.Barrese , James, & Jack M. Nelson.1992. Independent and Exclusive Agency Insurers: A Reexamination of the Cost Differential. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 59(3):375-397.


