  • 學位論文


The usage intention on responsive web design for mobile shopping consumers

指導教授 : 吳坤山


你手機購物了嗎? 行動商務似乎已成為2015年台灣電子商務市場的最新代名詞。行動商務之所以能夠發展迅速,主要因為手機、平板電腦的普及率大大的提升,並且行動裝置的螢幕尺寸也越來越大,加上行動版網頁的優化意識抬頭,讓消費者的使用經驗與購物體驗越來越好,使用行動裝置購物的意願也就會越來越高。本研究主要以科技接受模式為主體研究架構,並結合娛樂性、便利性來探討消費者對於響應式網頁之使用意向。 本研究調查之對象主要為台灣行動購物族群,本研究係以立意抽樣(purpose sampling)方式抽取樣本,總計發放400份問卷,回收366份問卷,回收率91.5%,扣除無效問卷50份,有效問卷共計316份,有效問卷回收率86.34%。透過敘述性統計及結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)中之偏最小平方估計法(Partial Least Square, PLS),進行信度及效度分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1. 消費者對於響應式網頁行動商務網站的便利性認知顯著正向影響認知易用性。 2. 影響響應式網頁認知有用性之路徑以認知易用性、娛樂性、便利性為前因驅動因子,其中以娛樂性影響最大。 3. 影響響應式網頁行動商務使用意向之路徑以認知易用性與認知有用性為前因驅動因子,其中以認知易用性影響高於認知有用性。


Did you mobile shopping? Mobile commerce seems to have become the latest synonymous with Taiwan e-commerce market in 2015. Mobile commerce can develop rapidly because penetration of phone and tablet is greatly enhanced, and the screen size of mobile devices get bigger than before. And also the optimized consciousness of mobile page rise up. This all let the consumer experience getting better on mobile shopping, and their willingness to use mobile shopping would be more and more. This study uses the technology acceptance model and combines with entertainment, convenience to explore the usage intention on responsive web design. With the Taiwan's mobile shopping consumers as study object. The method of purposive sampling is adopted to get the samplings for this study. Total 400 questionnaires were distributed and 316 valid questionnaires returned with 86.34% return rate. Descriptive statistics, reliability, validity and partial least square method was applied to examine the proposed research framework. After the empirical research, the major findings as follows: 1. (1) The convenience of the consumer perception responsive web mobile commerce sites has significantly positive influence on perceived ease of use. (2) The survey results show three antecedents which have a positive impact on perceived usefulness: perceived ease of use, entertainment, convenience, whereas the entertainment has the greatest impact on perceived usefulness. (3) The survey results show three antecedents which have a positive impact on usage intention: perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Comparing to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use has more significant influence on usage intention.


徐珮宜(2015)。響應式網頁設計應用於智慧型手機介面之使用性研究- 以東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區網站為例。國立臺北教育大學數位科技設計學系(含玩具與遊戲設計碩士班)碩士論文。


