  • 學位論文


China’s taiwan policy under the MA Ying Jeou administration

指導教授 : 張五岳博士


2008年代表國民黨的馬英九總統重回執政,提出與中國大陸和解的政策主張,也終結李登輝、陳水扁總統因推動務實外交與一邊一國的台獨意識活動,而中斷了十三年兩會協商對話的機制。馬英九總統以「不統、不獨、不武」的理念,維持台海現狀,重申在「九二共識」與「一中各表」的政治基礎上,以「先經後政、先易後難、先急後緩」的順序,推動兩岸和平發展,開創兩岸新局與恢復兩岸協商。 中共總書記胡錦濤主政時,在2005年與國民黨連戰主席發表「五項共同願景」即明確表達,儘速恢復兩岸談判共謀兩岸人民福祉,促進終止敵對狀態達成和平協議,並推動兩岸經濟全面交流,建立兩岸經濟合作機制等等;2008年胡錦濤體認新形勢國共兩黨關係和兩岸同胞共同的努力下,兩岸關係發展面臨著難得的歷史機遇且得來不易,反對「台獨」 、堅持「九二共識」是積極發展兩岸關係的重要政治基礎,在兩岸互信建立、擱置爭議,雙方就能求同存異,通過不斷的交流和協商累積共識、共創雙贏。而「胡六點」對台政策的方針,是促進兩岸關係發展新的里程碑。 習近平於2013年接任國家主席,集黨政軍之權力後,其對台政策仍是堅持「一個中國」、「和平統一、一國兩制」以及反對「台獨」的基本方針,也延續胡錦濤時期的「兩岸關係和平發展」模式,以「寄希望於台灣同胞」的政策,為兩岸同胞謀福祉。而習近平更以民族主義的思維出發,提出「兩岸一家親,共圓中國夢」理念,意涵著兩岸同胞有共同的血脈、歷史文化、同屬中華民族,是休戚與共的命運共同體,在中華文化的理念上共同實現中華民族偉大復興,堅持兩岸關係和平發展,推進祖國和平統一。當兩岸經貿、社會文化交流繁榮密切後,即將涉入政治談判的敏感深水區挺進,2015年的「馬習會」開啟兩岸領導人直接溝通對話,樹立起政治協商與政治互信的新台階;兩岸關係和平發展端視著兩岸領導人的智慧,如何找尋合適的平台,恰當的時機,用什麼方式化解歧見,在「一中框架」上尋求出兩岸和平的公約數,共謀兩岸同胞的福祉。


In 2008, Ma Ying-jeou, the representative of the Kuomintang, returned to power and put forward policy proposals for reconciliation with Mainland China. He also resumed the mechanism of the two-party talks which was interrupted by Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian’s promotion of pragmatic diplomacy and one country one side policy. President Ma maintained the status quo in the Taiwan Strait with the concept of "no unification, no independence and no use of force." Ma also reiterated aim to restore cross-strait talks on the basis of the 1992 Consensus which known as one China with different interpretations. He promote the peaceful development of the two-sides of the straits and resumed consultation with the priorities of rushing, easing, and economical jobs. When General Secretary Hu Jintao took power in 2005, he and the chairman of KMT Lien Chan issued a "five common visions" which clearly stated that they would resume cross-strait negotiations as soon as possible to seek common ground for the well-being of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, promote the termination of hostilities, reach a peace agreement, and promote comprehensive economic exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. The establishment of a cross-strait economic cooperation mechanism. In 2008, Hu recognized the new situation and the joint efforts of the two parties, and the two sides of Taiwan-Strait faced with a rare historical opportunity. Hu opposed "Taiwan independence" and insisted on " The "1992 consensus" was the political foundation for cross-strait relations. With mutual trust establishing, shelving controversies, seeking common ground while reserving differences, accumulating consensus through continuous exchanges and negotiations, two sides of the Taiwan-Strait would create a win-win situation. The "Hu six points" policy toward Taiwan was a new milestone in promoting the development of cross-strait relations. Xi Jinping was the President of the Chinese Communist Party and he has seized the power of the party, government, and military since 2013. His policy toward Taiwan continued "one China principle", and “one country, two systems," and opposing "Taiwan independence." He also followed Hu Jintao’s policy that set hope by the people of Taiwan and looks forward to establishing cross-strait peace. In addition, Xi Jinping started with the nationalist thinking and put forward the concept of “a family of the two sides and sharing a common Chinese dream.” It represented that compatriots on both sides of the strait share a common vein, history and culture, and belong to the Chinese community and a shared destiny. In the concept of Chinese culture, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation was realized together, the peaceful development of the cross-strait relations was maintained, and the peaceful reunification of the motherland was promoted. When the cross-strait economic, trade, social and cultural exchanges are prosperous and close, the two sides will soon be involved in the sensitive and deep-water areas of political negotiations. In 2015, Ma-Xi meeting started directly communicate between the both sides of the Taiwan Strait and established a new milestone of political negotiation. How Cross-Straits leaders find a suitable platform, the right time, and the ways in which to resolve differences and seek cross-strait peace with the "One China Framework," will affect the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.


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