  • 學位論文


A Study of Integrating head-mounted VR into the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry to Enhance the Learning Outcomes of Ninth Graders – Using the Course "Current and Voltage" as an Example

指導教授 : 徐新逸


虛擬實境(Virtual Reality,VR)為當前科技主流之一,隨著電腦科技與相關軟、硬體快速開發,目前各領域皆可見虛擬實境科技,加上政府政策與民間企業的合作,教育領域也有諸多應用。本研究將虛擬實境技術融入國中理化科電學實驗,採實驗研究法並以準實驗分析,探討虛擬實境電學實驗與傳統電學實驗其學習成效與學習態度之差異。 本研究之研究對象臺北市某國中九年級學生共49人,實驗組26人,使用HTC Vive Focus頭盔搭配虛擬雲端實驗室教材;對照組23人,實施傳統電學實驗。本研究之研究工具與分析方法包含量化資料分析與質化資料分析。量化部分以學習成效評量為研究工具,分為「電學整體知識」與「電學實驗知識」兩部分,分別以成對樣本t檢定了解學生實施課程前後電學知識概念之提升;使用單因子共變數分析了解兩種實驗方式是否影響學生提升學習成效之程度。質化部分使用學習滿意度量表與學習心得回饋單以了解學生對電學課程實施之學習感受與建議。 研究分析發現,學習成效部分,以成對樣本t檢定分析實驗組與對照組前後電學知識概念之提升皆達顯著,表示不管透過虛擬實境實驗或傳統電學實驗,「電學整體知識」與「電學實驗知識」兩部分皆有顯著提升;以單因子共變數分析檢定兩種實驗方式是否影響學生提升學習成效之程度,其中,「電學整體知識」未達顯著,表示「電學整體知識」不會因為實驗方法不同而改變,而「電學實驗知識」則有顯著提升,表示「電學實驗知識」會因為實驗方法不同而改變,且實驗組優於對照組。學習態度部分,實驗組與對照組之平均課程滿意度皆達「滿意」程度;以獨立樣本t檢定分析滿意度實驗組與對照組之滿意度達顯著差異,表示滿意度會因為實驗方法不同而改變,且因虛擬實境軟體電學元件的操作便利性與配戴頭戴式顯示器所產生的不適感,因此對照組優於實驗組。 根據研究結果可得知,頭戴式虛擬實境融入電學實驗是可行且有效的,學生「電學實驗知識」能有效提升,且優於傳統電學實驗教學。學習態度部分實驗組學生呈現正向且滿意的態度,且能引起極大興趣與提高專注度。本研究也針對頭戴式虛擬實境融入電學實驗給予未來相關研究者教材面與教學面之建議。


Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the current mainstream technologies. Due to the rapid development of computer technology and related software and hardware, virtual reality technology can be seen in most fields now. Besides, with the promotion of government policy and the cooperation of private enterprise, there are also many VR applications in education field. This study integrates head-mounted VR into the electrical experiment of the physical and chemical sciences of the middle school. We adopt the experimental research method and quasi-experimental analysis, and explore the different between the virtual reality electrical experiment and the traditional electrical experiment in students' learning outcomes and attitude after implementing the course. A total of 49 ninth-grade students in Taipei junior high school were recruited for this study, with 23 students were chosen as the control group and 26 as the experimental group. The control group adopted the conventional electrical experiment, and the experimental group adopted VR electrical experiment with HTC Vive Focus and “Voltage, Current and Ohm’ Law” from Cloud Virtual Labolatory(CVLab) . There were 3 research tools for this study: learning achievement test, learning satisfaction questionnaire and experimental feeling record table. The learning achievement test including 2 parts, the general knowledge of electricity and the experimental ability knowledge of electricity respectively, both of them were applied in two groups before and after the course to understand whether the students’ learning effectiveness were improved or not by using the pairing sample t-test and to understand whether there was a significant difference in these two groups in post-test by using the single factor covariate analysis. The learning satisfaction questionnaire were applied in two groups after the course to understand the students’ learning motivation, learning attitude and experimental feeling by using the independent sample t-test. The experimental feeling record table were applied in two groups after the course to understand the students’ thought and suggestions while operating the experiment.   According to the results of analysis, we can summarize as following: From the pairing sample t-test , the learning achievement test(regardless of the general knowledge of electricity or the experimental ability knowledge of electricity)in pre-and post-test were both significant difference in two groups, besides the experimental group were better than control group. By the single factor covariate analysis the difference in post-test in the experimental ability knowledge of electricity were significant in two groups, but the general knowledge of electricity were not. The learning satisfaction questionnaire in two groups were significant difference, and the control group were better than experiment group by reason of the inconvenient of software and the discomfort of headset. Base on the research results, we believe that integrating head-mounted VR into the electrical experiment in middle school were possible and effective. The VR experiment not only can help students to understand and improve the experimental ability knowledge of electricity much more than conventional experiment but also enhance the learning motivation and kept students more concentrate on the experiment. We also provided suggestions for future related researchers on integrating head-mounted VR into electrical experiments.


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