  • 學位論文


From Public Sphere to Public Television: An Analysis of Political Talk Show in Public Television

指導教授 : 魏玓


有鑒於我國商業電視台政論節目的表現不佳而無法促進民主政治運作,本文嘗試以較完備的Habermas公共領域概念為基礎建立分析架構,以探討和比較我國公視和外國著名公視(英國BBC、澳洲ABC)之政論節目表現,由此尋求提昇我國政論節目品質之道。藉由相關文獻分析與資料蒐集,本文認為BBC的政論節目Question Time和ABC的Insider具有體現公共領域精神的許多特點,值得作為研究對象,並與我國公視的「圓桌論壇」和「公民對話錄」兩個節目對照。在研究流程上,本文主要採用文本分析法、論述分析以及深度訪談來檢視樣本節目。 本文結論認為,Question Time和Insider在參與者組成、論題設定、節目單元,以及創造更理想的溝通和辯論情境等作法,均值得我國公視在製作政論節目時加以參考,以促進國內公共領域的運作。然而,受限於經費的不足,使得我國公視政論節目採用Question Time和Insider的節目製作方式有其難度。因此,現有公視若能轉型擴大為「公共電視集團」,將可有利於相關節目之製作。


In order to discover the ways of improving the democratic function of Taiwan’s television talk shows, the thesis attempts to build an analytical framework based on Habermas’ theory of public sphere to analyze on and make a comparison between the performances of public talk shows of three countries’ public television services, the Public Television Service of Taiwan (PTS), the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). By literature review and information collecting, Question Time of the BBC and Insider of the ABC are selected as representative programs and as the referents of two main political talk programs of PTS. For approaching the conclusion, thesis the methods of text analysis, discourse analysis, and in-depth interview are used. In conclusion, some key operational and production features of Question Time and Insider display and enhance the ideas of public sphere, such as the process of selecting guests, the arrangement of the topic, the structure of the program, and the tactics to create an ideal situation of communication and debate. The PTS ought to take these practices as important references and to contribute on the realization of the local public spheres. However, the limited budget and scale of the PTS would be one of the major difficulties to copy the production models of Question Time and Insider. The thesis thus concludes that a transformation of the PTS from a single-channel service to a multi-channel broadcasting system with more resources would be necessary.


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