  • 學位論文


A Study of Cultural Scenery in XU XIA-KE 'S TRAVEL NOTES

指導教授 : 崔成宗


徐弘祖(1587—1641),生於江蘇江陰。因為以「山水遊」為終生志業,而被當時名士陳繼儒(1558—1639)取號為「霞客」。 徐弘祖以一生的時間與資源,傾全力投注於自己所想要的「山水之遊」,迥異於歷代以山水逍遙適性、或以山水澆胸中塊壘的貶謫抑鬱之士。雖然晚明之時旅遊風氣大盛,不論是王士性之類的宦遊、陳繼儒等文人之遊,皆未如徐弘祖霞客是專以天地間的山水為主之遊。 本文以《徐霞客遊記》文本為主,探討徐霞客在遊記中所呈現的文學特色:一、探討《徐霞客遊記》文本在歷史流傳中的主要抄本。二、徐弘祖的成長過程中父、母親的教導對徐弘祖的深遠影響;及其與好友黃道周、陳函輝陳繼儒和唐泰的往來詩文所呈現的人格特質。三、徐弘祖霞客在《遊記》中除了認真記錄各地的傳說與其中的詩文作品,更屢屢為認真搨摹崖巖上的書法作品,而付出大量的時間與心血等,徐霞客如此重視並保存文化的人文精神,凸顯出《遊記》迥異於歷代或同代遊記類作品,是其特有的「人文風景」。四、是徐弘祖在遊程中與人的相遇,其中諸多僧、道、樵、農等,雖短暫而如吉光片羽,在《遊記》中也形成一頁頁屬於「人」的「人文風景」;在徐弘祖的文筆中,對天地山水之美的欣賞與淨化感受,更透顯出他深厚的傳統學養與人文素養,此亦是其特有的「人文風景」。五、就《遊記》中,徐霞客的旅遊情形、《遊記》的創作心態、《遊記》在文學史上的價值做結論。


徐霞客 徐弘祖 晚明 遊記 人文風景


Xu Hong Zu (1587-1641), was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu. Because Xu Hong Zu took "Great Travel " as an ideal goal for his whole lifetime, the celebrity Chen Chi Ju (1558-1639) named him " Xia-Ke " at that time. Xu Hong Zu’s out effort on his "Great Travel" was very different from past travelers whose main purpose was making sightseeing tours for happy adaptability or trying to use the landscape to release relegated depression. Although traveling fashion prospered in late Ming Dynasty, such as Wang Shixing’s official travel or Chen Ji Ru’s literacy tour, only Xu Hong Zu traveled for "Great Travel." The essay emphasized on "XU XIA-KE'S TRAVEL NOTES" text-based, and research in the literary characteristics. The first part of the essay discussed about the "XU XIA-KE 'S TRAVEL NOTES’" different transcripts copy in the history. The second part discussed about how his parents’ education impacted on Xu Hong Zu in the long run, and uncovered Xu Hong Zu’s personality traits through poetries in his mailing between his good friends Huang Dao Zhou, Chen Han Hui, Chen Ji Ru and Tang Tai. The third part discussed about the cultural landscape within "XU XIA-KE'S TRAVEL NOTES." The notes not only were carefully written down about local legends and poetry works but also took him a lot of time and efforts on rubbing works of calligraphy on the rock cliff. Xu Hong Zu paid a lot of attention to preserve the humanistic spirit of culture. The focus on cultural landscape within "XU XIA-KE'S TRAVEL NOTES" was different from other historical and contemporary traveling literatures. The fourth part discussed about Xu Hong Zu’s encounter with other people during his journey. This part became the human landscape in "XU XIA-KE'S TRAVEL NOTES." Xu Hong Zu’s appreciation to the beauty of nature and feeling purification from it showed his deep traditional learning support and humanity. The fifth part concluded the "XU XIA-KE'S TRAVEL NOTES’" value in the literature history.


