  • 學位論文


A Study on the Employability of Higher Education Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究旨在探討我國大學校院學生就業力之現況,並探討不同背景變項對學生就業力的差異性以及就業力與自我評估之間的關聯性。本研究之研究對象為一般大學校院的大四生,採立意抽樣,分別於北、中、南地區,各抽取1~2所公私立大學校院。有效回收問卷為1,123份。調查所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方分析、Pearson積差相關、線性迴歸等進行統計分析,獲得研究結果如下: 一、大學生在「品格與公民素養能力」此構面的自我認知普遍較高,但對於「基礎與專業能力」此構面認知較為缺乏,其中以「國際觀」與「外語能力」此兩項目認知能力最為薄弱。 二、大多數學生認為在校期間的實習,對增進自我的就業力是有幫助的;對於畢業後想從事的工作類型,大多數學生會選擇從事與大學所就讀的科系有關聯性的工作;此外,大部份學生認為目前所具備的就業力,有信心面對未來的職場挑戰。 三、不同背景大學生中,以「性別」、「專業證照」對就業力自我認知有顯著差異。 四、不同背景大學生中,以「性別」、「學校類別」與「學門類別」對自我評估部分有顯著差異。 五、大學生就業力自我認知與自我評估之相關情形有達到顯著正相關。 六、大學生對就業力構面認知,以「人際溝通與合作能力」及「專業與實務運用能力」對自我評估之間影響程度達顯著情形。


大學校院 大學生 就業力


The purpose of this research is to investigate the employability of Taiwan’s university seniors and to analyze the factors that affect university seniors’ employability, as well as the link between employability and self-evaluation. The questionnaires have been collected at 7 universities across Taiwan’s northern, central, and southern areas. A total of 1,123 valid questionnaires were returned. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods, including t-test, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test, Pearson product-moment correlation and Regression analysis. The findings of this research are: 1.The index of seniors’ character and civic literacy abilities is ranked top, while the index of basic and professional skills is ranked low due to the weakness of international perspective and foreign language proficiency. 2.Most seniors recognize the benefit of apprenticeship at university for their employability. They tend to choose jobs relating to their majors at university. In addition, taking account of their employability, most seniors show confidence in future challenges at their workplace. 3.Significant differences have been shown in seniors’ employability with regard to gender and qualifications. 4.Significant differences have been shown in seniors’ self-evaluation with regard to gender, universities, and professional studies. 5.A significant positive correlation was found between seniors’ employability and self-evaluation. 6.With regard to employability, both the skills of social communication and cooperation and the ability of professional practice were shown to have significant influence on seniors’ self-evaluation.


