  • 學位論文


A Study on the Performance of Ceramic Filter Made from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash Applied on the Sewage MBR System

指導教授 : 高思懷


都市垃圾焚化會產生大量飛灰,水泥固化後進入衛生掩埋,因台灣土地面積狹小加上掩埋用地取得困難,巨量的飛灰會加速掩埋場的飽和,循環再利用是未來的趨勢。本團隊曾將飛灰經穩定化處理後,利用其多孔性製作陶瓷濾膜,本研究將進一步探討其應用於污水MBR系統之可行性,以期達到循環經濟的目標。 研究團隊先前使用實驗室規模氧化鋁球研磨飛灰,再添加高嶺土及玻璃壓坯燒製陶瓷濾膜,本研究則改以模場規模使用鐵球進行研磨,並探討添加矽藻土改善濾膜多孔結構特性以期提升應用於MBR系統中的過濾功能;研究中除以熱重分析探討最適燒結條件之外,並檢驗重金屬溶出之安全性,通量量測與過濾阻抗計算,輔以觀察顯微結構與XRD分析,評估濾膜產品品質。 研究結果顯示,以玻璃:研磨灰:高嶺土:矽藻土=50:20:20:10 的配比在0.3 kg/cm2下,純水通量達到47 m3/m2/d,為研究中最佳配比,其以較低的壓力達到與市售日本陶瓷膜的純水通量40 m3/m2/d。且膜阻抗為5.8*1010 m-1,相較其餘配比在相同壓力下純水通量最高,膜阻抗最低。在不同污泥濃度SS 2,000、4,000與6000 mg/L下進行一週MBR連續測試,通量分別由0.633降至0.217,0.567降至0.200 以及0.5降至0.18 m3/m2/d。出流水的懸浮固體物皆為0。


垃圾焚化飛灰 陶瓷濾膜 阻抗 MBR


At present, most of the municipal solid waste is treated by incineration in Taiwan, and the residual fly ash is solidified by cement then disposed by sanitary landfill. Due to the available area is so limited, it is difficult to deal with the fly ash disposal problem any more. In the previously study, fly ash was washing and stabilizing the heavy metals, then use as the feedstock of ceramic filter membrane due to its porous characteristics. In this study, the product was evaluated the feasibility in the sewage MBR system, to achieve the goal of circular economy. In the previously study, fly ash was ground by alumina ball, then blended with kaolin and glass powder during the ceramic filter plat sintering; in this study, fly ash was stabilized by steel ball milling, then blended with diatomaceous earth additionally, to improve the porous structure, to elevate the filtration ability in the MBR test. During the experiments, thermal gravity analysis was helped to find the proper sintering conditions, heavy metals dissolution was exam by Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, sewage fluxes were measured, filtration resistances were calculated, micro-structure observation and XRD analysis were helped to evaluate the qualities of the ceramic membrane. The results indicated that, the prescription of glass: ash: kaolin: diatomaceous earth for 50: 20: 20: 10, under 0.3 kg/cm2, the best pure water flux reaches 47 m3/m2/d, compare with a pure water flux of 40 m3/m2/d with a commercialized available Japanese ceramic membrane at a lower pressure. And the membrane resistance is 5.8*1010m-1. Compared with others, the pure water flux is the highest under the same pressure and the membrane resistance is the lowest. After a week of continuous testing at 2,000, 4,000, and 6,000 mg/L sludge concentrations, the flux of MBR decreased from 0.633 to 0.217, 0.567 to 0.200, and 0.5 to 0.18 m3/m2/d relatively. The suspended solids in the effluent are all 0.


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