  • 學位論文


Open a New Learning Window for Suburban Pupils: An Action Research on the Newspaper in Education in an Elementary School in Taipei County

指導教授 : 吳明清


本研究係以國小五年級讀報教育課程之設計與實施為主題的行動研究,透過行動研究之歷程,探討運用不同的教學策略,發展以「優質小公民」、「親職文章分享」和「全方位閱讀」為核心之讀報方案。在行動歷程中以觀察、訪談、文件分析、問卷調查等不同方式蒐集資料,探究讀報教育在教學現場實施之情形,瞭解學生的反應,並探討實務中可能遇到的困難與可行的教學策略,並進行教學的省思及修正。歸納本研究的主要結論如下: 壹、實施讀報教育能提昇五年級學生語文表現 一、遊戲競賽教學策略配合學習情境的營造,能提高學生的讀報興趣。 二、以熱門話題徵文、語文教室版的看圖說話、小亨利漫畫為教材,有助指導學生讀寫能力的結合。 三、透過多元的閱讀教學策略,能提昇學生賞析文本與口語表達能力。 貳、充分的資料準備與課程的彈性應變,能提昇讀報教育實施之有效歷程 一、行動研究前的暖身課程是必要的。 二、以提問與連結、討論與分享為主的策略實施讀報教育,有助提昇閱讀理解與整合能力。 三、讀報課程應隨著學生學習所需做修正調整。 參、實施讀報教育能增進親子互動。 一、透過親職文章分享,可以促進親子互動。 二、透過讀報剪貼活動,可以增進親子共讀與親子對話。 肆、實施讀報教育能增進學生對社會關懷的公民素養。 一、實施讀報教育,能讓學生對生活周遭與社會時事議題更關心。 二、運用大量的討論活動,能提高學生的思辨能力。 伍、實施讀報教育,能獲得專業省思與成長 一、研究者在行動歷程中須針對實施困境擬定對策。 二、研究者在行動歷程中獲得專業成長。 依據上述研究結論,研究者提出若干建議供教育主管機關、學校、行動教師及家長參考。


This is an action research which implemented Newspaper in Education for the 5th graders of a suburban elementary school in Taipei County. The purpose of this action research is to use the different strategies to develop the reading program with the core of the “excellent little citizen”, “sharing the articles about parent-child” and “widespread reading”. In the process of action research, multiple methods, such as observation, interview, document analysis, survey are used to explore the situation of Newspaper in Education, students’ opinions, possible difficulties, feasible teaching strategies in practice and to reflect the teaching methods. Based on results of this research, some conclusions are synthesized as follows: I. To apply Newspaper in Education in class will promote the 5th graders’ language ability. 1. Playing games with all kinds of materials advances the interest of student reading. 2. To solicit articles by hot topics of conversation, to talk by watching pictures in language classroom, and to read the Little Hurry comic book promote pupils’ abilities of reading and writing. 3. To apply all kinds of reading methods in class promotes pupils’ abilities of admiring articles and talking expression. II. To prepare information fully and flexible classes promotes the efficiencies of Newspaper in Education. 1. Warming-up course is necessary. 2. The Newspaper in Education by asking, linking, discussing, sharing helps to advance pupils’ abilities of reading and rectification. 3. The reading course should be adjusted with the pupils’responds. III. To apply Newspaper in Education in class advances parent-children interaction. 1. Sharing the articles about parent-child advances parent-children interaction. 2. These activities of reading and cutting newspaper advance the parents and children’s abilities of reading and talking. IV. To apply Newspaper in Education in class advances pupils’ concern for the society and the citizenship. 1. To apply Newspaper in Education in class improves pupils’ concern for the current affairs of the society. 2. The discussion of the current events on newspaper advances pupils’ thinking ability. V. To apply Newspaper in Education in class provides opportunity for the researcher to have reflections and professional growth. 1. The researcher needs to find the methods for the difficulties in the process of action research. 2. The researcher gets grown in the process of action research. Based on conclusions mentioned above, the researcher proposes some suggestions for educational administration, school, action teachers and parents for reference.




