  • 學位論文


The Action Research about How Newspaper in Education Enhances the Tendency of Autonomous Learning in Class

指導教授 : 王雅玄


報紙對學習新知有無限可能亦是終身持續閱讀素材。讀報教育具有與時俱進、自主學習特質是提供學生公民素養學習與社會關係連結重要啟蒙。本研究旨在透過行動研究,以國小二年級讀報教育為主軸,依據學生自主學習與閱讀報紙現況分析後藉由課程實施評估其自主學習成效。 本研究以花蓮縣13位國小二年級學生為研究對象,分析課堂對話、訪談、學生作品、教學省思日誌等資料,以「讀報教學自主學習量表」為研究工具對學生施以前、後測所得資料以相依樣本t考驗進行量化統計分析其自主學習成效是否有顯著差異。本研究結果如下:一、學生整體自主學習現況為中等程度,在「自我評估與信心」層面表現不佳,自主學習尚有成長空間待積極培養。二、學生閱讀報紙動機受自主性與同儕學習因素影響甚深,學校如能提供閱讀資源、班級營造閱讀環境能提昇學生讀報興趣並能彌補家庭文化資本匱乏。三、讀報教育課程經由自主學習循環模式「自我評價與監控」、「目標設定與策略計劃」、「策略的執行與監控」、「監控策略使用的成效」四個階段進行後發現:1、規劃班級於固定時間閱讀報紙;2、以學生感興趣主題並與生活經驗結合之教材;3、增加同儕學習、人際互動機會可拓展學生背景知識與生活經驗並提升成就感與自信。四、利用「自主學習循環模式讀報教育方案」可提昇學生自主學習成效。真正教育是所有人一起學習,根據研究結果提出建議作為未來國小教師實施讀報教育自主學習後續研究、教學之參考共創學習共同體之境界。


Lifelong education teaches students how to learn, and helps them to achieve goals in life. And newspaper, which provides learners with various and limitless possibilities, is also the reading material of lifelong education. Newspaper in Education (NIE) can help people keep pace with the times and learn to become autodidacts. The above characters of NIE inspire students to learn their citizenship and connect with the society. Through the action research, the study intends to analyze how NIE enhances autonomous learning in the second graders of elementary school. The sample of the study is a group of second graders of elementary school in Hualien county. First, the researcher analyzed the following data: the conversations in class, interviews, students’ works, daily reflection journal and so on. Second, the researcher took “NIE- autonomous learning scale” as a tool and anatomized the collected data by the method of t-test (of correlated samples). Third, comparing the data of before to after, and concluding if there is any significant difference. The results of this study are as follows: first, the performance of autonomous learning of students was moderate. They performed poorly in the aspect of “Selfestimate and confidence”. Therefore, there was till room for students to achieve. Second, Students’ motivation of reading newspaper is deeply affected by their own motives and peers’ academic performance. If school can provide reading resource and help classes build reading environment, that can arouse students’ interest in reading newspaper and also make up families’ lack of cultural capital. Third, the researcher came up with three discoveries after using the model of autonomous learning to examine NIE program. Here are the three discoveries: first of all, teachers can plan the regular time of reading newspaper in class in school. Secondly, combining topics which students might interest in with their daily life experience can enhance autonomous learning. Thirdly, increasing the chances of peer learning and interaction among interpersonal relationships can elevate students’ sense of competence and confidence. (There are four stages in the model of autonomous learning: "self-evaluation and monitoring”, “goal setting and strategic plans”, “the execution of policies and monitoring” and “the effectiveness of the monitoring strategies”. ) Forth, using the model of autonomous learning by NIE can actually boost the effect of students’ autonomous learning. What is “true education”? As a researcher, I think all people learn together is true education. According to the study, I hope the results can give suggestions to those who will implement NIE in the future. Keywords: Newspaper in Education, autonomous learning, action research




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