  • 學位論文


Using Technology Acceptance Model to Explore Customers’Behavioral Intention of Mobile Banking

指導教授 : 楊立人 張雍昇


台灣銀行業競爭激烈,處於微利時代,隨著科技創新與電子商務的蓬勃發展,也迅速轉變銀行業的經營型態,如何利用日新月異的資訊科技來降低營運成本、提高競爭力、讓顧客持續使用服務,是銀行業者要面對的課題。近年來,銀行業不斷地擴大其業務範疇並提供顧客多元不同的服務管道,隨著行動通訊技術的進步與智慧型手機的普及,使用者透過手機使用行動上網已蔚為風潮,許多銀行業者也看準了行動商務的無限商機,由於行動銀行能隨時隨地提供銀行服務的特性,能夠提升客戶使用銀行服務的頻率和滿意度進而能為銀行帶來更多的商機和獲利,行動銀行的發展看似可期,然而目前的使用率卻仍偏低。因此,本研究以科技接受模型為主要研究基礎理論,期望了解消費者使用行動銀行之意願,問卷收集其間為2015年3月至2015年4月,共計發放問卷達125份而共回收有效問卷113份去進行分析,這項研究的結果如下: 1.行動銀行自我效能會對使用者的認知有用產生正向影響。 2.行動銀行自我效能會對使用者的認知易用產生正向影響。 3.使用者的認知易用會對其認知有用產生正向影響。 4.使用者的認知有用會對其行動銀行使用態度產生正向影響。 5.使用者的認知易用會對其行動銀行使用態度產生正向影響。 6.使用者對行動銀行之使用態度會對其使用意願產生正向影響。 7.使用者的認知有用會對其使用意願產生正向影響。 8.使用者的認知易用會對其使用意願產生正向影響。


Under the circumstances of highly competitive banking industry and in the low-margin era, with technological innovation and e-commerce to flourish, the patterns of the banking business are changing rapidly it causes the banking sector to face an inenvitable subject on how to take advantage of rapidly changing information technology to reduce operating costs and improve. Banks have expanded their service channels in many different ways in recent years, with advancement of mobile technology and popularity of smartphones, as the usage growth of the smart phone and the mobile internet, more and more banks develop the mobile banking to promote their business,because of the ubiquity and conivence of m-commerce. Although mobile banking has been considered as the most important banking service in future, the customer acceptance is not as much as expected. Therefore, the research on the technology acceptance model for the basic theory, and expect to understand the consumers to use mobile banking will demand,The data were collected between March 2015 and April 2015. A total of 113valid questionnaires were analyzed. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Mobile banking self-efficacy has a positive influence on the user's perceived usefulness. 2.Mobile banking self-efficacy has a positive influence on the user's perceived ease. 3.The user's perceived ease has a positive influence on the user's perceived usefulness. 4. The user's perceived usefulness has a positive influence on mobile banking user attitude. 5. The user's perceived ease has a positive influence on mobile banking use attitude. 6. Users of mobil banking attitude has a positive influence on mobil banking user wishes. 7. The user's perceived usefulness has a positive influence on mobile bnking user wishes. 8.The user's perceived ease has a positive influence on mobile bnking user wishes.


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