  • 學位論文


Heuristic Method for Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures

指導教授 : 高金盛


目前國人仍然採用傳統RC建築結構設計方式,經由假設、分析、校核、調整、再分析及再校核等步驟完成定案,設計者所完成之定案,仍然不是最經濟方案。因此本文探討建立可方便國內設計者使用且執行時間較短之RC建築結構最佳化設計模式,藉以使建築結構之RC材料使用量及結構造價可減少。 本文針對RC隔震建築結構,先以ETABS軟體分析探討RC建築結構內力與位移之影響;再以啟發式斷面迭代法及CAFÉ軟體兩種最佳化方法進行RC建築結構之最佳化設計,以獲得RC建築結構之最佳化設計模式;另外,以ETABS及TEASPA軟體進行耐震能力評估,並探討成本最佳化與耐震能力的相關性。 研究結果顯示,利用本文建立之RC建築結構最佳化設計模式,可達到成本最少化之最佳化設計,亦可得到最佳化設計後可提升建築結構之耐震能力;另外後續研究可加入更多需求之設計條件,可以將此模式能更廣泛的被使用在各種複雜的工程問題上。


Currently, people are still using the traditional RC building structures design approach. This approach is based on the steps of assumptions, analysis, checking, adjustment, re-analysis and rechecking to complete the final design. This final design is still not the most economical design. Therefore, this project is aimed to investigate and establish a model for Heuristic Method for Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures. It is intended to facilitate its usage for the domestic designer and spend less time on it. Besides, through this model we can make the usage of RC materials and the cost of RC building structures be reduced to a minimum. This article focuses on RC building structures. Firstly, we use ETABS software to analyze the influence of internal forces of RC building structures and displacement. Then we use heuristic method and CAFÉ to put the optimized design of RC building structures in progress in order to get the optimized design model for RC building structures. Additionally, we investigate the relation between the cost optimization and seismic capability by ETABS and TEASPA. The outcome suggests that if we use this ideal model , there is an achievement of the cost-minimum optimization design and promotion of the structural seismic capability. Last but not the least, there is a room for any upcoming research to mix in more required condition. That is to say, this model is able to be widely applied on many kinds of complicated engineering problems.


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