  • 學位論文

運用擴增實境於醫藥行銷溝通效果之比較 — 以A藥廠新藥為例

A Comparative Study of Medical Marketing Communication Effectiveness Through the Usage of Augmented Reality - An Example of a New Drug from the Pharmaceutical Company

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


隨著智慧型手機普及以及2016年「寶可夢」遊戲的風靡,使用擴增實境 (Augmented Reality,簡稱AR)技術的應用程式成為一種新趨勢,將AR應用於行銷也成為一股新潮流。相較於傳統紙本印刷品,使用AR作為醫藥溝通的媒介,或許能增進醫護人員和病患對醫藥產品的了解,並突破以往成為創新的行銷手法。然而,目前並未有明確證據顯示AR應用於醫藥行銷的成效。 本論文欲探討藥廠在推廣新藥時,以AR作為行銷工具是否能增進醫藥溝通,並比較醫護人員及病患間,是否因立場不同而有不同的溝通需求。首先會針對研究背景、動機、目的及問題進行擴增實境、行銷溝通與醫藥行銷的文獻回顧。其次,以深度訪談來進行探索性研究,比較醫護人員與病患在了解新藥資訊上的認知差異;進而探討藥廠企業行銷人員在資訊爆炸的年代,應採用何種行銷手法方能快速吸引醫護人員的注意力,最後作出結論並對未來後續研究提出建議。


With the popularization of the smart mobile devices and a global craze of the mobile augmented reality (AR) game Pokémon Go, the use of AR technology in mobile application has become a new trend, and the adaptation of AR as marketing strategy has been gaining popularity. In comparison with the traditional presswork, the use of AR as a medical communication media may hold the potential to enhance the understanding of the pharmaceutical products for health care professionals (HCPs) and patients. However, there has been no clear evidence showing the benefits of AR in pharmaceutical marketing. This thesis is aimed to investigate whether the usage of AR as a tool for new drug promotion is beneficial for medical communication in HCPs and patients, and to compare the different needs between HCPs and patients from different perspectives. First of all, the literature of AR technology, marketing communication and pharmaceutical marketing is reviewed in terms of background, motivation, purpose and questions. Secondly, in-depth interview has been used for exploratory study to examine the cognitive differences of HCPs and patients while understanding the new drug information. Moreover, the most efficient marketing strategy which the pharmaceutical companies should adopt to attract HCPs’ attention in the era of information exploration is discussed. In the end, conclusion is made by all the findings and suggestions for the follow-up studies in the future are provided.


augmented reality AR Facet model drug promotion


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