  • 學位論文


A Study on the Compilation of the Spring and Autumn Annals Category in the Siku Quanshu

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


《四庫全書》是在社會安康、國家財政穩定、帝王全力支持之下所進行的大型編纂活動,清高宗欲藉此舉向世人展示其所繼承的是儒家之正統文化,進而樹立滿人統治中原的正當性,如此一來,這套震古鑠今的巨型叢書,自然就具有指導士人的意味。隨著《全書》的編纂,作為揭示各書要旨、考察學術端委、列舉諸書得失、權衡眾說異同的《四庫全書總目》也因此而誕生。後人只要透過《總目》對各種書籍的篩選與批評,便可以瞭解到清代官方想要提供什麼樣的學術指引,或是建立起什麼樣的學術思想範疇。 此外,《春秋》為聖人述作之書,蘊藏著聖人心旨,在儒家典籍中具有極其崇高的價值與地位。再者,《春秋》作為科舉考試的科目,士子為了求取功名,多須誦讀此書。因此,這部承載魯國二百四十二年歷史的史書,深深影響著中國古代的知識分子。那麼,清廷在編纂《四庫全書》之時,是如何看待歷代春秋類圖籍?在《春秋》學上又有什麼樣的主張?這是本論文所欲探討的問題。 本文共分六章。第一章,說明本題緣起,綜述前人的研究成果,敘述研究範圍與研究方法。第二章,探討春秋類圖書的採進與禁燬情形。第三章,分析四庫館臣對春秋類圖書的篩選原則。第四章,討論四庫館臣對春秋類圖籍的刪改辦法與要點。第五章,闡釋四庫館臣的《春秋》學術主張。第六章,總結本篇研究成果。


四庫全書 四庫學 春秋學 春秋類 採進 禁燬 刪改


The compilation of the Siku Quanshu, which is the complete collection of all Chinese literature, was a great event conducted under the circumstances that the society was filled with peaceful atmosphere,and the finance of the empire was stable. Most important of all , the compilation was greatly supported by the emperor. Qianlong Emperor wanted to state that what he inheritated was from the Confucian orthodoxy and thereby consolidate the legitimacy for the Manchu ruling Chungyuan, or the Central Plain. Such being the case, the nature of the unprecedented series of Chinese literature was set to be the guidance applied by the scholars. As the compilation work of the Siku Quanshu kept going, the Siku Quanshu Zongmu was created to illustrate the main purpose of each book in it, research on the whole story about certain academic development, enumerate the pros and the cons of each book, and judge the differences among all the schools. As a result, later generations like us can understand clearly the academic guidance that the authority in Qing Dynasty provided with those scholars, and we can know the range for academic thoughts the authority planned to build. Besides, the Spring and Autumn Annals is written by sages, and the sublime mind of the sages was hidden in the articles of it.The Spring and Autumn Annals therefore is of great value and academic standing among all the Confucian classics. Moreover, the Spring and Autumn Annals was an important subject in the imperial examination,and all the scholars who wanted to seek for official ranks studied it diligently. The Annals records the history of Lu for a period of 242 years, so it deeply influenced the clerisy in ancient China.In the light of this, the research questions in the study are as follows: (I) How did the authority in Qing Dynasty view the Spring and Autumn Annals when the Siku Quanshu was being compilatied? (II) What was their proposition on the Spring and Autumn Annals? The study consists of six chapters. The motive of this study is explained in chapter one, and the results from previous research are summarized as well. The field of this research and the methodology are also mentioned here. In chapter two, the procedure about book collecting and the bannedn books are discussed. The analysis on the selecting criteria for Spring and Autumn Annals Category is presented in chapter three. In chapter four, the key points for content deleting and altering adopted in the Spring and Autumn Annals Category are discussed. And we explain the academic thoughts toward the Spring and Autumn Annals among the officers who were in charge of the compilation of the Siku Quanshu in chapter five. The summary of the research results is presented in chapter six.


