  • 學位論文


Environmental Analysis and Design, Building Elevation Surface Parametric, New Taipei City Five Administrative area Old-Apartment as Example.

指導教授 : 周家鵬


研究主要針對老舊公寓更新前的物理環境與氣候調適影響關係模擬,以建築原型前陽 台造型將建築數位化設計模型模擬產生數據資料;設定模擬區域為新北市老舊住宅公 寓集中區域林口、五股、八里、新莊、與蘆洲五個行政區,針對區域製作當地整年之 逐時氣象數據供分析應用軟體Ecotect 模擬立面建材特性,針對建築面向東南、南、 西南於春分、夏至、秋分、冬至模擬結果交叉解析,解析建材與立面設計改變對太陽 幅射能量及自然採光模擬影響。提供不同設計與原型參數改變關係及其影響,做為設 計立面調整依據。 章節內容概述如下: 第一章 確立研究方、流程與研究相關假設,進而擬定研究主題、範圍、內容及 預期成果。 第二章 相關文獻、理論及各種應用之物理公式、法規限制以及案例分析參考, 並擬定模擬地區建築物分類分析。 第三章 建築模擬發展研究相關參數化選定,模擬地區建築物案例實際操作測試。 第四章 建立參數化建築程式研究原型及研究發展設計樣式參數化程式,導入模 擬軟體Ecotect 與Radiance 分析物理環境因子。 第五章 模擬研究原型及發展設計樣式,針對建築面向東南、南、西南於春分、 夏至、秋分、冬至交叉解析,解析建材與立面設計改變對太陽幅射能量 及自然採光模擬影響。 第六章 結論、設計成果、與建築參數化及工業化可能發展分析。


The main point of research is to simulate the physical environment and climate impact before renewing aged apartments. By using Ecotect to create digital designs of the architecture prototype model, much information will be provided. Given the hourly climate data taken from previous years and the creation of model residential areas in New Taipei City, 林口、五股、八里、新莊、與蘆洲, these five areas can be analyzed on Ecotect. Their materials used for facade , and the orientation in elevation facing, either to the south east, south, or southwest, will all be cross analyzed with the equinox and solstice. Ecotect will also simulate and analyze the facade design and its corresponding result of solar radiation and daylight exposure. The architectural design of the building can be changed accordingly to the response of these variables. Chapter 1: Research orientation and process, hypothesis, issues and topics, extent, contents and expected results. Chapter 2: literature and theory review related research. The physical formulae required and the regulated limitation and consideration of various cases. Chapter 3: architectural development and corresponding variables, and its practical operations and tests. Chapter 4: Building of architectural prototypes and design patterns, and the usage of Ecotect and Radiance on environmental factors. Chapter 5: The focus of prototype design and structure on the direction it faces, the equinox and solstice of year, its building materials, and the facade design in correspondence to solar radiation and daylight exposure. Chapter 6: The conclusion, design results, architectural industrialization, and analysis of possible development.


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