  • 學位論文


A Study of International Project Management Professional Framework and Management Mode for Public Construction

指導教授 : 林長青


妥適分配國家整體資源,讓公共工程發揮其效益並達成經濟成長目標是重要議題,而國內公共工程專案管理目前並無統一標準的環境下,PMP成為國內業界相對較完整之專案管理模式,也獲得多數學術單位深入探討的專案管理準則。 本研究將PMP五大流程架構依據十項知識領域比對國內公共工程專案管理控管機制進行差異性研究;並依據實務經驗提出在公共工程執行專案管理時之可能性改善建議。 PMP專案管理其中有十項知識領域,本研究將其區分符合控管知識領域、尚需加強控管知識領域以及無控管知識領域。國內業者偏重於成本為主軸作為主要管理依據,在競爭的環境下多數的業者,經常忽略專案人力資源管理、專案溝通管理、專案風險管理、專案利害關係人管理。整體公共環境是需要有專案背景人員,長期規劃及溝通討論出當下最佳方案,並從中取捨以達到公共工程最大的效益。


Proper allocations of national resources helps to ensure public construction achieve its goals efficiently, thereby promoting economic growth. As there is no uniform standard of environmental management in domestic public construction projects, PMP becomes a relatively comprehension project management module for domestic industries, and emerges as a popular research topic in project management for many scholars. In this study, we will discuss the difference between the implementation of PMP's five process architecture and domestic public construction project management. Additionally, this study will utilize a case study to describe the practical benefits of implementing project management under PMP's comprehensive architecture for public construction project. We will also categorize and analyze in accordance with the specifications of project management and public construction. As there are ten areas within PMP project management, This study will distinguish its Knowledge Area with the control manager、need to be strengthened Knowledge Area and no control Knowledge Area project, many have of ten ignored the importance of human resource management, communication management, risk management, stakeholder management project management capabilities. As a whole, public environment requires professionals with background in project management to formulate long-term planning and come up with the best possible solutions through effective communication so as to reap the maximum benefits from public construction projects.


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