  • 學位論文

中國社會保險對農民工權益的影響 - 以深圳、上海及成都為例

How China’s Social Security System Affects the Farm Labors’ Welfare – with the Samples of the Development in Shezhen, Chengdu and Shanghai

指導教授 : 陳建甫


農民工是隨著中國城鄉經濟體制改革、不斷深化而發展出壯大的群體,目前中國共有農民工約1.3億,他們是生活在城鎮和農村之間的邊緣人,具有流動性強、非正規就業等多項特點。近年來,農民工數量的快速增長帶來一系列社會、經濟問題,其影響負面多於正面。長期以來,中國的二元保險制度的特點是:以戶籍為確認的標準,以城市社會保險為核心,而占人口絕大多數農民工的社會保險,卻在整體社會保險體系中始終處於極其次要的地位。農民工在城市就業,從事工業生產,面臨著和城市居民同樣的生活、職業風險,卻無法和城市居民享受相同的社會保險。他們在面對工業傷害、疾病或者失業等情況時,往往處於生活窘迫、難以維持基本的生活水平。農民工社會保險能否落實關係到中國的工業化、城市化、現代化進程中的關鍵問題。 本文所要研究的重點是,中國政府、用人單位和農民工,他們對息息相關的社會保險,由於三方面的認知不同,中國政府維持其『強勢』與主導地位,企業主則處於『優勢』與功能性,至於農民工處於『弱勢』與劣勢角色。三方面各取所需,居於劣勢的農民工成為社會弱勢的犧牲者,因此,同樣在台灣長期從事社會保險替弱勢者工作的我而言,以人文關懷的角度,除了深入了解中國農民工結構、流動模式和特徵,進而便於了解農民工工作狀況、生活背景及與社區融入情形。並對農民工息息相關的社會保險的發展與面臨困境提出研究建議。 本文從整個中國社會保險現狀著手,通過分析農民工納入社會保險體系的必要性和現實意義,針對農民工納入社會保險體系的主要障礙,提出相應的對策及建議。惟若探討整個中國農民工社會保險、因中國幅員廣闊,且農民工問題千絲萬縷無法全面掌握,因而透過農民工聚集最多且最具經濟指標城市,深圳、成都及上海之社會保險發展為例,對農民工權益的影響作問題的切入點。經研究顯示,上海綜合社會保險率先把社會保險範圍擴大到農民工,並初步針對農民工亟需的工傷、醫療及養老問題納入社會保險體系,解決農民工在城市面臨的困境,更顯示上海開放、公平的城市形象,也促進各類企業和勞動者平等競爭。而成都在引進上海模式,力圖在社會保險體現效率及彈性,其針對上海綜合保險沒有考慮其與基本養老保險銜接作改進,使得成都農民工社會養老保險較上海更具保障。另外深圳是一個移民城市,特別針對城鎮職工社會保險門檻過高改進,從農民工及企業承受能力角度思考,以降低農民工的參保成本,實施相對應繳費及享受較低的社會保險。並至2005年起將原先“五險合一”的綑綁繳納模式改為“拆綁”,惟目前深圳的養老、醫療及工傷三大險種,已將農民工加保率提升近三成,切實解決高風險企業參保難題。但實施分析得出深圳模式和上海模式,都不能確實解決目前農民工社會保險問題,建議分類、分項設立相對獨立的農民工社會保險制度是一種比較適合當前形勢的選擇。 研究發現,農民工沒有統一的立法做後盾,致上有政策下有對策,地方政府為增進地方財政,一面倒向企業,漠視農民工社會保險致許多省份參保率過低,發生職業傷害或死亡造成家庭悲劇,更由於中國工傷事故頻傳,一年工安事故的損失抵銷了中國全年6%GDP成長。 進而研究發現,雖然深圳農民工的工資較高於成都及上海,但是由於深圳發跡較早且農民工來自全省各地,對社保參保率、融入當地社區反而較成都及上海差。 本研究認為中國應仿效德國預防機制及日本通報系統的觀念,建議納入農民工工傷保險觀念中,為防止企業不為農民工參保造成工安事故頻傳,將德國的預防機制及日本通報系統理念加諸社會保險中,尤其日本通報系統建立,它是一種建構綿密的通報系統網:尤其當工安事故發生時除對事故發現者及救災單位包括醫療院所、以及勞動檢查單位、區域工廠等聯防組織輻射狀水平都列入通報機制,防止事故單位漏報、虛報甚至於封鎖事故消息,以防事故重演、防患未然做到滴水不漏,並苛以重罰防止業主落跑枉顧農民工生命財產。建立職場安全維護農民工權益,是一種先進且必須推行的社會保險觀念。 而即將於2008年1月1日實行之《勞動合同法》,其針對《勞動法》實施10餘年所產生的缺失,對勞動者不公平、不利之處,尤其就資方不與勞方簽定勞動合同、用工短期化、適用期、違約金、勞務派遣濫用等資方常見違法行為,並嘗試以經濟及行政手段調整企業與勞動者之權利義務,可預見的將來,勞動合同法的實施,賦予低廉、弱勢的勞方尤其農民工而言是強而有利的保障。也隨著社會觀念的改變和相關法律的配套跟進,農民工與城市其他勞動者因《勞動合同法》的實施,將享有相同、平等的待遇。


Farm labors, following with China’s city and country’s structured economy development, are continuously becoming a deepening spreading big group. Nowadays, China has about 1.3 billions of farm labors. They, being the edge people between city and country, have the characteristic of floating movement, informal employment…etc. Recently, due to farm labors’ rapid increase, this has brought a string of social and economical problems that cause more negative affect than positive to China development. For a long while, characteristically China’s two categories social security system is based on household register acknowledgment and urban social security fundamentals, that the social security of those that have the most population’s farm labors is leveled to the second most category. Farm labors, working in cities as well as employed by industrial manufacturers, have to face the same living standard and vocational risks as urban citizens, but they can’t obtain the same social security welfare. When they had profession injury, illness or being unemployed, mostly they would face poverty and the deterioration of basic living standard. Farm labors’ social security can be implemented will relate to the China stability, growth, and transformation and establishment of harmonized society. The focus of this study is to point out the differences of the understanding between China government, employers and farm labors about their intertwined and correlated social security. Due to such three sides’ different understandings, China government maintains a forceful and leading position, economy functions its superiority and dominance, but the society remains inferior and disadvantaged. As each takes their advantage, the lowly farm labors become the society’s weakness sacrifice. Therefore, as a Taiwan social security long time worker, from a humanitarian view, that to knowing China farm labors’ structure, movement pattern and characteristics, so as their working environments, living backdrops and interacting status with the community, I submit this farm labors social security welfare development research report and the recommendations. This study begins from the present situations of China’s social security system, through the analysis of the existing reality and the necessity for including farm labors into the social security system and in connection with the main obstacles faced by this inclusion, recommending the correspondent policies and fulfillment methods. With the examples of the social security development in the three economy norm cities (Shenzhen, Chengdu and Shanghai) as the problem focal point, to know how it affects farm labors’ welfare, through the analysis of Shenzhen and Shanghai models, they all can’t solve the present farm labors’ social security welfare problem. The suggestion is to establish correspondently classified and categorized independent farm labors’ social security system for each individual group would be much more workable and fit into the present situation. As the study shows, farm labors don’t have integrated regulations as their supports, that causes the top government with good policies but modulated by the lower government to fit into their own need. As the provincial government, in order to increase the public finances for their own domain, they tilt to business enterprises and disregard the farm labors’ social welfare so that farm labors’ insured rates of the social security have been too low, that they can’t afford to have a hospital treatment, when they have work injury. Furthermore, the work injury in China happens much more often than that the costs of the annual injury offset 6% of China’s GDP growth. More than that, the study found although Shenzhen’s farm labors had higher salary payment than Chengdu and Shanghai’s, but due to Shenzhen’s earlier development and its farm labors being from all the places of China, the social security insured rate and interacting status are even lower than Chengdu and Shanghai. Blazing new trails, due to the repetitions of work injury, this study recommends modeling German’s prevention system and Japan’s reporting system to conceive into farm labors’ social security to prevent companies from not insuring farm labors with the social security. In order to prevent work injury accidents, taking German’s prevention mechanism and Japan’s bulletin system to establish a reporting mechanism; especially, when work accidents take place, not only have to include the accident reporter, the hospital and the labor security inspection department into the security network, but also have to channel in the neighboring factories and regional guards, to form a vertical and horizontal spreading mesh reporting system, to prevent the accident departments’ missing reporting, faking notification, and more, sealing off the news, so that to avoid the repetition of the accident, to guard against the misfortune beforehand and to penalize the concerned company with heavy charge to prevent their running away from farm labors’ misfortune of life and money lost. Building work safety to protect farm labors’ rights and benefits is a developed and necessarily effective social security notion. The Law of Labor Conract will be on the road on January 1st 2008. It especially ponts out the shortages in the Law of Labor running for a decate, such as the unfareness and disadvantage to the labor. The major problem is that there is no contract between the enterprise and the labor. The minor problems such as short-term laboring, fit-for-the-job period, violation bonds…etc. are illegal behaviors happened frequently. Besides, they try to modify the rights and obligations between enterprises and labors by the economical and political means. In the visible future, with the implementation of law of labor contract, it provides much more powerful and profitable protection to those low-pay and weakness farm labors than before. Following with the changes from the social point of view and with the raising follow-up issues, the farm labors and various city workers as well will take the advantages of the same and fare treatments by the implementation of the Law of Labor Contract.


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