  • 學位論文


Study on the Six-Level Management Strategy of Community Supported Agricultural Development Industry-A Case of Changzhi Township, Pingtung County

指導教授 : 蔡青園


本研究以SWOT分析方法探討社區支持型農業在屏東縣長治鄉發展產業六級化之現況?以及產業六級化如何帶動農村經濟與技術面永續經營,經營策略為何?在跨社區合作社會文化面以及政治與政策面發展上有何助益?依研究結果的高度相關進行策略決策,在經濟與技術面:首先是共同體要走的方向,其次就是賦予動機,在人力、物力和財力上規劃組織決策的主軸。用自己擅長的能力,來增加商品的特色,更可能開發出具有區別性的產品,在這個充滿自媒體、多媒體、新媒體的時代,選擇適合自己的社群通路經營,更能達到預期的效果。 在社會文化面:以往「共食」的時光漸漸流失,對於人與人之間交流,社會型態的改變有著重大的影響。制定長時間、計畫性、系統性的課程作為食育教育,並因地制宜、適地適性。強調食育除了是體驗活動之外,更是具有教育的意義。將過去所經常運用的食材,從新種植在社區的土地上,讓從前的先人智慧,和現代的聚落有所連結,規劃食物廊道、復刻舊時的場所,由生活化的過程來瞭解文化。 政治與政策面:比起人口增加政策,應該重新檢視地方政府的經營,要看觀光客數,更該重視觀光消費,製造讓人上門的理由,品牌化更重要的是,提升附加價值的對策。用地方的特色,來創造出地方的價值,以自然能熟的工作流程,來呈現生產以外的事。以經營的態度來得到消費者的信賴、以堅定的信念來感動消費者,跨界聯合成功者的既有通路,踩在巨人的肩膀上,營造出屬於鄉村特色商品,讓原本認為只會種香菇、種番茄的農民,創造出自己的價值。


This study uses SWOT analysis to explore the current situation of community-supported agriculture in the six-level development of the industry in Changzhi Township, Pingtung County. And how does the six-level industry drive the sustainable operation of rural economy and technology, and what is the business strategy? How can it help with the socio-cultural aspects of cross-community cooperation, as well as the political and policy aspects? Strategic decision-making is based on the high correlation of the research results, both economically and technically: first, the direction in which the community should go, and secondly, the endogenous motivation to plan the main axis of organizational decision-making in terms of human, material and financial resources. With their own ability to increase the characteristics of the product, more likely to develop differentiated products, in this era of self-media, multimedia, new media, choose their own community channel management, more can achieve the expected effect. On the social and cultural side: the gradual loss of the time of co-eating in the past has a significant impact on the communication between people and the change of social patterns. Develop a long-term, planned, and systematic curriculum as a food education education, and adapt it to local conditions and localities. Emphasizing food education is not only an experiential activity, but also has educational significance. The ingredients that were often used in the past are newly planted on the land of the community, so that the wisdom of the ancestors of the past can be connected with the modern settlement, the food corridor is planned, the place of the old time is reproduced, and the culture is understood by the process of life. In terms of politics and policy: Compared with the population increase policy, we should re-examine the operation of local governments, look at the number of tourists, pay more attention to tourism consumption, create reasons for people to come to the door, and more importantly, enhance the added value of countermeasures. Use the characteristics of the place to create local value, and present things other than production with a natural and mature work process. With a business attitude to gain the trust of consumers, with a firm belief to move consumers, cross-border joint successful people's existing channels, step on the shoulders of giants, create a rural characteristic of the commodity, so that originally thought that only tea, mushrooms, tomatoes farmers, create their own value.


石郁琴,2017,設施有機葉菜生產成本結構個案分析,臺南區農業改良場研究彙報,70 期,89-102。
