  • 學位論文


A study of the Mexican Foreign Policy in the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

指導教授 : 王秀琦


聯合國於2009年在丹麥哥本哈根所舉辦的第15屆氣候締約方大會(COP15)中,由於發生不透明也不民主的密室協商,導致開發中與已開發國家之間的國際氣候談判決裂,也重創了解決國際爭端的國際多邊機制。 為了要恢復各國對多邊機制的信心,擔任第16屆氣候締約方大會(COP16)主辦國的墨西哥扮演極其重要的角色。為此,墨西哥研擬針對COP16的外交政策,並將COP16的外交總體目標訂為「能取得克服當前分歧,且允許以廣泛、平等的方式參與因應氣候變遷進程的多邊與政治平衡結果」。 本論文雖以墨西哥在COP16的外交政策為研究主題,但筆者認為探討促成卡德隆政府將氣候變遷納入外交議程作為重要議題的國內外因素有其必要性。


The 15th Conference of the Parties to the Climate Conference (COP15), held by the United Nations in Copenhagen in 2009, ended up leading to breakdown in the international climate negotiations between developed and developing countries, given that during the conference developed countries conducted negotiations without transparency and democracy, which also hurt severely the multilateralism, as a mechanism for solutions to international disputes. In an effort to recover every UNFCCC signatory’s confidence in the multilateralism, Meixco, as host of COP16, needed to play an important role of mediator. Therefore, Mexico elaborated a COP 16 foreign strategy, in which it hoped to achieve a multilateral and political balance that could overcome differences and allow for broad and equitable participation in the process of climate change. Although this thesis focuses on the Mexico’s foreign policy at COP16, in the author’s view, it’s still necessary to conduct a discussion about the domestic and external factors in order to know why Calderón's administration included the climate change issue in Mexico’s foreign policy as part of its international agenda.


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