  • 學位論文

貿易權開放對台商經營中國內銷市場的影響 -以台資貿易商為例

The impact of opening the trade right in china domestic market-The case study of Taiwanese trading company

指導教授 : 陳建甫


隨著中國的興起,台灣中小企業投資龐大金額在中國,生產出大量產品銷往國外,在這一產業鏈中,台資貿易商扮演著中介者的角色,連接台資生產型工廠與國外買家,國際貿易業也因此繼續在台灣蓬勃發展。時至今日中國已經從世界工廠轉變為世界市場,台資貿易商必定不會在這個市場缺席。台灣已經有許多針對台商生產型企業拓展中國內銷市場所做的研究,但對於以貿易為主的台資貿易商在中國內銷市場的研究相對較少。因此本研究的主要方向在探討台資貿易商在中國開放內銷貿易權,與頒佈【外商投資商業領域管理辦法】大幅降低外資在中國設立貿易公司的門檻後,台資貿易商要如何進行中國內銷市場的拓銷,企業經營型態是否會有所改變? 本研究將對台資貿易商進行深入訪談,分析台資貿易商在中國頒布【外商投資商業領域管理辦法】後,對該法令的看法與因應方式,是否會對台資貿易商投資決策產生影響,另外將運用SWOT分析,分析中國內資貿易商、歐美外資貿易商與台資貿易商,三方在中國內銷市場的優劣勢。台資貿易商面對陸資與外資的競爭有何競爭策略去維持本身的競爭力。 結論發現中國實行【外商投資商業領域管理辦法】對有意於拓展中國內銷市場的台資貿易商,有極大的吸引力,讓原本對中國內銷市場採取觀望態度的台資貿易商加快投資腳步,已經投資中國內銷市場的台資貿易商則是加碼投資金額,進行台資貿易商的策略研究更發現,台資貿易商的經營策略已經產生結構性的變化,開始往產業鏈的上游整合,企業功能也更加分化,因此給予台資貿易商經營上的建議,在生產管理面要嚴格控管產品品質,提高產品良率。行銷管理面要建立品牌聲譽,以利進行市場區隔,人力資源管理面應建立合理的員工培訓與管理制度。於研發管理面必須進行研發投資,提升產品附加價值,並申請專利保障自身權益,更要在財務管理面建立徵信制度,並採行現金交易避免呆帳發生,慎選財務會計人員,建立財務管控機制。關鍵詞:貿易權、中國內銷市場、外商投資商業領域管理辦法、台資貿易商、經營策略分析。


Abstract: As Chinese economy grew, Taiwanese small and medium businesses have invested heavily in China manufacturing and exporting products abroad in tremendous volume. Taiwanese businesses have played the mediator in this industry supply chain system, interconnecting Taiwanese-founded manufacturers in China to buyers from abroad and developed a thriving international trade economy in Taiwan. Today, China has transformed itself from global factory into global market and to Taiwanese businesses, expanding into Chinese domestic market is a must and they will certainly not be absent from this market opportunity. Compared to researches on investments from Taiwanese manufacturers in China, there has been relatively fewer researches focusing on Taiwanese trade companies in China, therefore, this research will concentrate on the opening of Chinese domestic market trade right and the release of “Measures of Foreign Direct Investment in Commercial Fields” and their effects in Taiwanese trade companies’ Chinese domestic market strategies, business models and other operation structures as the barriers for foreign investor have been largely removed. This study will thoroughly review Taiwanese businesses’ perspectives and reactions toward “Measures of Foreign Direct Investment in Commercial Fields” and its influences over their investment decisions. SWOT analysis will be applied to analyze the competitive strengths and weakness between Chinese domestic, Taiwanese and North American/European trading businesses operating in the Chinese domestic market and strategic study regarding on how to maintain Taiwanese trading businesses’ competitive edge over the competition from around the world. The study finds that the implementation of “Measures of Foreign Direct Investment in Commercial Fields” provides tremendous attraction to Taiwanese businesses who are tempering on entering the Chinese domestic market and accelerated their pace of entry. Moreover, this implementation also made Taiwanese businesses already operating in China to further invest in China and together the research found a fundamental shift in operation strategy among all Taiwanese trading business in China. These Taiwanese businesses began to integrate upstream and began to diversify their functional operations. All Taiwanese businesses are given the advise to strictly maintain their production quality and yield rate. As for marketing management, advise is given on positive brand building in order to differentiate from the competition. Employee training and management must be establish in order to maximize human resource value. Research and development investment should not be spared to create product added value and protect your intellectual property rights with patents. Financial advice would be to implement credit research in order to avoid uncollectible accounts, create financial auditing system and hire only trustworthy accountants and financial department employees.




