  • 學位論文


A Research of the Effectiveness of Multimedia Worked Example Instruction on Problem Solving Skill

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究透過電腦模擬遊戲safecracker,比較多媒體示例法(影片+旁白 VS. 圖片+文字)對增進學習者問題解決能力之成效差異,以及這兩種示例法對於學習者有無造成認知負荷上的差異,以供未來示例法的設計參考。 本研究參照CRESST問題解決模式,此模式由內容的理解、問題解決的策略和自我調整這三個部份所組成,故研究者藉由1、知識圖(測內容理解),2、問題解決策略的保留和遷移題目(測問題解決策略),3、自我調整量表(測自我調整),來測量受試者的問題解決能力有無增進。 研究發現: 影片+旁白組的問題解決能力沒有顯著優於圖+文組,且影片+旁白組的認知負荷也沒有顯著低於圖+文組,另外,自我調整和知識圖、問題解決策略也沒有顯著相關。但是雖然兩組在問題解決能力及認知負荷上,皆沒有顯著差異,但兩組的問題解決能力皆有顯著增加,可知示例法對增進問題解決能力確有其成效。 既知兩組的差異不大,則以後教學者在設計教材時,可不用執著教材一定要做成動畫,以免花費了許多時間,卻沒有使學習者達到更好的學習效果。 未來研究方向: 一、可針對不同教學策略進行探究。 二、可拉長研究時間、做成一系列課程。 三、可開發或選用適宜的本國解謎遊戲來做研究。


This research is through computer simulation game“safecracker”, comparing multimedia worked example instruction ( the film + aside VS. The picture + word) to promoting the effect difference on learner's problem solving skill , and these two kinds worked examples cause the difference on cognitive load to the learners, for the future of the worked examples design is consulted . CRESST problem solving solution containing three parts that the content of understanding , problem solving strategies and self regulation , the researcher by 1. knowledge graph (examine the content of understanding), 2 . the retainment and the migration topic of the problem solving strategies (examine the problem solving strategies), 3. self regulation form (examine self regulation), measuring the problem solving solution of experimenters promoting or not . The conclusion of the research suggests the followings: The problem solving solution of the film + aside group is not superior to the picture + word group, and The cognitive load of The film + aside is not superior to The pictures + words. Beside, Self regulation, the knowledge map and the problem solving strategies are not correlated with each other.Although the problem solving solution and the cognitive load of the film + aside group is not superior to the picture + word group, but the problem solving solution is apparently the problem solving solution. The way of the future: 一、The future researchers can uses different teaching strategies. 二、Elongating study time. 三、The future researchers can select the suitable solving games to study.


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