  • 學位論文


From wandering into the war for the country: Liangshanpo formation and disintegration in the "Water Margin"

指導教授 : 陳葆文


本文主要關注於梁山泊好漢與空間之間的辯證過程。通過人文主義地理學的啟發,審視好漢身在環境當中,經由識覺觀察所產生的經驗評價,訴諸行為反應,進而改變、賦予或創造空間意義的歷程。基本上以小說三個主要空間作為章節畫分依據,分別為主流空間、江湖空間與梁山泊空間,探討人物身處空間之中產生的空間感,以及人物措舉所造成的空間現象改變,於他們的生命中生成了何種意義積澱於心,影響人物在下一個空間的感受與反應,甚至最終成為他們決斷自我生命出路的重要依據。 本研究分為六章。第一章緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的。然後回顧既有前人研究成果,以瞭解學界目前《水滸傳》相關研究概況,及尚可拓展開發的議題,以供本文作為論述基礎。另外便是研究方法與研究範圍說明,探討本文所欲採用的研究進路以及所欲掌握的概念。 第二章,隨著敘事空間呈現,聚焦於身處主流空間的好漢們,討論主流空間亂自上作,造成好漢生活處境每況愈下的遭遇。由於法律為少數人私情所左右,社會秩序敗壞,形成主流空間規範動搖的情況,造成好漢流向王法之外的江湖。 第三章,耙梳中國文化裡江湖文化的特質,並且通過水滸好漢的足跡,分析江湖空間幾個著名場所的特色,並且指出隨著空間轉換,好漢為求生存因而流露出有別以往,趨向肉體化、功利化的行為模式。最後陳述江湖生活居無定所、危機四伏的狀態,形成好漢日後對於人際關係的何種嚮往。 第四章,聚焦梁山泊空間,論述好漢匯聚一處,開始對於空間塑造所作的嘗試,由外而內析論梁山泊空間現象。並且論述隨著生活日久,梁山泊於好漢心中產生的意義改變。 第五章,基本上延續第四章對於梁山泊空間之議題,由人事拉拔到天命之層次,探討好漢如何通過儀式召喚神聖降臨,賦予梁山泊神聖性,進而將之推擴至整個天下。梁山泊之重要性,也在梁山泊好漢的行動實踐中,提高、轉化了它的地位,使之高於江湖空間,又回頭影響主流空間定序。最後討論梁山泊人物與精神合一,其崩解毀壞的過程,以及天命、社會、人心三重角度照應下的意義旨趣。 第六章為結論,歸納《水滸傳》所呈現人地關係的轉變、空間意義的賦予機制,以及未來尚可開拓的議題。


水滸傳 梁山泊 空間 地方 神聖空間


This article focuses on the hero and the space between Liangshanpo dialectical process. Inspired by humanistic geography, the environment in which to examine the body hero, feel observed by the knowledge generated by evaluation of the experience, access to behavioral responses, and then change to give or to create space for meaningful history. Basically, the novel three main sub-space as a basis for drawing sections, namely the mainstream space, lakes space and Liangshanpo space to explore the characters are in the room generated a sense of space, as well as measures to give people the space created by the phenomenon of change in their life in what sense is generated accumulation in the heart, affecting people in the next space sensitivities and reactions, and even self-determination ultimately become their way of life an important basis. The study is divided into six chapters. Chapter I Introduction, description of research motivation, research purposes. Then review both the previous research results, to understand the current academic "Water Margin" research profiles, and can still expand the development of the issues discussed as the basis for this article. Another is the range of research methods and research shows, is seeking to explore the use of this research into the way and is seeking to grasp the concept. Chapter II, presented as narrative space, focusing on heroes who are in the mainstream space, the discussion from the mainstream to make room for chaos, resulting in the deterioration of living conditions of hero experience. As the affair of a few law about corruption of social order, to form the mainstream space norms shaken, which causes the flow of Fa-hero outside the arena. Chapter III, crawl Chinese culture and cultural characteristics of rivers and lakes, and the hero's footsteps through the Water Margin, analysis arena space features several well-known place, and that as space conversion, thus showing the hero for the sake of survival are different in the past, the body tends to , utilitarian mode of behavior. Final statement of no fixed abode living rivers and lakes, perilous state, the formation of a true man of the future what kind of yearning for relationships. Chapter IV, focusing Liangshanpo space, discussed together a hero, began by trying to shape the space, from outside to inside space Liangshanpo An Analysis of the phenomenon. And discussed with the life course of time, Liangshanpo in the hearts of the meaning of hero changes. Chapter v, basically a continuation of Chapter IV for Liangshanpo space issues, drawing from the personnel to the fate of the level of hero to come through the sacred ritual call to give Liangshanpo sacred, and thus to push extended to the whole world.Liangshanpo importance, but also the action hero Liangshanpo practice, improve, transform its status above that of arena space, coming back to affect the mainstream space sequencing. Finally, discuss character and spirit of unity Liangshanpo, the process of destroying its collapse, and fate, society, people under the care of the significance of the triple point of purport. Chapter VI is conclusions, summarized, "Water Margin" presented by the relationship of people to change the meaning of the given space mechanism, and the future still open issues.


Water Margin Liangshanpo space place sacred space




