  • 學位論文


The Study on Constructing of ROC National Security Mechanism-Analyzing from Strategic Thinking

指導教授 : 施正權


國家安全機制運作,涉及不同行政機關發揮自主職權,安全制度在不同時空條件下,決策者為謀求國家長遠發展,創造戰略機遇的國家目標,我國國家安全事務處理「國防、外交、兩岸關係及國家重大變故之相關事項」,國家安全總體戰略目標在確保國家的「主權尊嚴」、「生存安全」與「繁榮發展」,免於國內外的威脅、侵犯與破壞。 我國國家安全制度隨內外環境變遷,歷經長期演進的歷程,政府自1949年遷台後,國家安全組織歷經解除戒嚴、台海危機、政黨輪替等不同歷史階段,影響國家安全法制、組織、功能、運作等進程,我國國家安全機制所主張政策方針,必須掌握機先,有效回應挑戰。 本研究從戰略思考的分析觀點,以「總體、主動、前瞻、務實」取向,檢證我國國家安全組織,歷經國防會會議、動員戡亂時期國家安全會議及法制化的國家安全會議,歷任總統擘劃國家安全大政方針,對於國家安全諮詢機關或會議決策功能,以組織設計、分工的理則,確立政策目標、驗證思考取向、爭取主導優勢、創造行動自由。


Abstract: National security mechanism involves autonomous functions with different administrative organizations. Policymakers strive for the strategic opportunities in order to seek long-term national development under different terms of time and space. Our national security affairs deal with national defense, diplomacy, cross-strait relations and relative events including significant, unexpected national incidents. The general strategic aims of national security are to ensure sovereign dignity, living safety and prosperous development of the nation and freeing the nation from the threats, infringements and destructions from domestic or abroad. Our national security system has gone through a long-term evolution with the environmental changes and different historical stages such as martial law lifted, Taiwan Strait crisis, political party rotation and so forth since the government withdrew to Taiwan in 1949. These changes have influence on the progresses of national security laws, organizations, functions, operations and whether the principle of our national security policy could cope with challenges effectively. The analytic viewpoints of this research are based on strategic thinking, and generality, initiative, foresight and pragmatism- oriented. It testifies our national security organization after going through national defense conferences, national security conferences during the period of mobilization for the suppression of Communist rebellion. Successive presidents schemed out national security policy guides, by means of organization design and teamwork to establish policy goals, testify thinking orientation, strive for predominance and create freedom of action.


王崑義、李黎明,〈想像的危機:「反恐時代」美國的危機建構與臺灣的戰略選擇〉,《遠景季刊》,第4卷 第2期(2003年4月),頁99。
