  • 學位論文


The investigation of cognition and willingness to pay for long-term care annuity insurance products.

指導教授 : 田峻吉


人口老化議題是全球性的議題,在科技醫學進步下,平均餘命不斷延長。台灣人口老化速度快速,政府對於老化議題所提出的對策卻無全盤性整合,退休經濟來源以年金做對應,但是同樣受到人口老化加上少子化影響,政府各項年金均面臨入不敷出的困境。此外,對於老後、意外所衍生之長期照護需求、失智人員照護等等,卻僅提供各項照護服務,所面臨的是使用者日漸增多,服務提供數量與服務品質無法提升。 長期照護議題近年來頗受消費者重視,但是受限於政府在老年退休保險、健康保險等規劃方式差異,消費者僅能就本身之預算,以及對商品架構了解與業務員說明下尋求商業保險的規劃。 本研究希望透過問卷方式,了解國內消費者對於退休年金、長期照護保險、以及國外流行之長照年金保險在認知上、需求上與預算上做分析,期望可作為未來壽險公司或銷售通路推出新種商品或行銷策略之參考;也希望分析結果亦可作為保險科技提升後,能夠提供消費者購買保單時需求的指引。


The aging population is a global issue. With improvement of medical environment and techonogy, the average life expectancy has increased in past decades. Although the percentage of population above 65 years old in Taiwan reached 14%, the government has not yet integrated relevant resource to deal with the aging population problem. As the aging population and the declining birthrate, the public pension schemes including still have a lot of Challenges. Furthermore, as the demand for long-term care derived from the accidents, disable people, aging population, the number and the quality of long-term care service should be improved as soon as possible. The long-term care issues have been received attention by consumer in recent years. However, as the differneces of pension plans and public health insurance regulted by the government, the consumers only seek their own plans toward to the commercial insurance based on their budget, understanding and insurance broker’s instructions. The purpose of this study is estimate the cognition and demand for the commercial annuity, long-term care insurance and long-term care annuity by the questionnaires method. Hope our empirical results provide the reference for life insurance companies when they launched new life insurance products (such as long-term care annuity). Furthermore, hope our empirical results also provide the guidance for consumers when they purchase insurance products as the improvement of insurance technology.


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