  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumer’s Cognition and Purchase Intention of Long-Term Care Insurance

指導教授 : 陳建宏 林鳴琴


台灣由於老年人口增加、出生人口減少,人口結構逐漸走向失衡狀態。因為人口結構快速趨向高齡化,以致罹患多重慢性疾病的長者以及有長期照護需求的人口急增,因此長期照護政策是政府迫切需要重視的議題。加上保險公司近年持續推廣長期照護相關保險商品,讓消費者能透過完善的保險規劃,減輕未來須被長期照護情況下所帶來的經濟風險。 因此本論文乃探討消費者對於長期照護保險內容的認知,以及消費者對長期照護保險的購買意願,藉以瞭解市場的實際需求,有助於保險公司未來的商品設計。主要研究結果如下: (1)根據問卷調查結果,顯示大家普遍會擔心自己或家人可能因慢性疾病或失智症、意外事故而造成失能對家庭經濟產生重大影響。但民眾普遍認為政府目前的長期照護制度仍不夠完備。 (2)問卷調查結果顯示,收入越高、支出越高者越有能力替自己或家人購買長期照護保險,所得越低者越無法購買長期照護保險。低所得者萬一發生失能時,將無法被照護,未來將形成嚴重的社會問題,因此建議政府應針對所得較低者給予長期照護保險的補助措施。 (3)沒有購買長期照護保險者對於政府長期照護制度的保障及給付內容較不了解,因此建議政府應針對沒有購買長期照護者加強宣導長期照護保險的相關訊息。


In Taiwan, due to the increase in elderly population and decrease in birth rate, population structure has gradually become unbalanced. The rapid aging of population structure has led to the rapid increase in elderly patients with multiple chronic illnesses and population in need of long-term care. Therefore, long-term care policy is an issue requiring the urgent attention of the government. Moreover, in recent years, insurance companies have continuously promoted long-term care-related insurance products to enable consumers to reduce the economic risk caused by long-term care in the future through complete insurance planning. Therefore, this study intends to investigate consumers’ cognition of long-term care insurance contents and their purchase intention for long-term care insurance, in order to understand the actual needs of the market and assist insurance companies in future product design. The main research results are as follows: (1) The questionnaire survey results showed that in general, everyone worries that chronic illnesses, dementia, and disabilities caused by accidents in self or family may have a huge impact on family economy. However, the public generally suggest that the current long-term care system of the government is still incomplete. (2) The questionnaire survey results showed that people with higher income and higher expenditure are more capable of purchasing long-term care insurance for themselves or their family. On the contrary, those with lower income are less likely to purchase long-term care insurance. As a result, if people with lower income unfortunately experience disabilities, they cannot afford care, which will become a serious social issue in the future. Therefore, the government is advised to provide people with lower income with subsidies for long-term care insurance. (3) People who do not purchase long-term care insurance less understand the protection and coverage of the government’s long-term care system. Therefore, the government should strengthen the promotion of long-term care insurance-related information to those who do not purchase long-term care.


