  • 學位論文


Purchasing Intention of Commercial Long - Term Care Insurance

指導教授 : 張婉玲


隨著醫療科技的發展及養生觀念的提升,使得平均餘命增加,加上少子化形成,改變人口結構,面臨高齡化的轉變已是不可避免的趨勢。失能人口快速增加等趨勢下,依據99-100年國民長期照護需要調查結果,失能者平均全家人口數為4.58人,一人倒下,全家受累,衛福部統計48.59% ,85歲以上高齡者近半有失能狀況,推估民眾平均長照需求時間7.3年。 顯示台灣人民的照顧需求也呈現倍增,代表民眾對於長期照顧有著愈來愈迫切之需求,長期照護需求更為凸顯。因此,本研究旨在探討購買長期照護保險的風險知覺及政府長期照護政策是否影響其購買意願。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為中彰投民眾,實際發放問卷共250份,有效問卷為222份,有效問卷回收率為88.8% 。研究變項以敍述性統計分析、信度與效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、不同人口統計變項在政府長照十年計畫2.0認知有部份顯著差異性。 二、長期照護風險知覺及政府長照十年計畫2.0認知對商業長期照護保險購買意願具顯著正向影響。


Along with the development of medical technology and the concept progressiveness of preserving health, the average life-span of human has been prolonged, in addition, due to the problems of aging population and its changes of structure, this transforming has become an inevitable trend. Under this condition, a survey had been conducted by the Ministry of health and welfare (MHW) which was titled “investigation of nation-wide long-term care requirements”. Accordance with the survey, each disability took burden of 4.58 family members in average, once he or she crumbled, that will cause his or her family encumbered as well. According to the statistics, there were 48.59% populations of disability above the age of 80 and was estimated 7.3-year-requirement of long-term care needed in average. The emerging of long-term care requirement illustrates that more and more active demands to the people were increasing. This study was to explore the effectiveness towards customer’s purchase intension with its perceived risk and governmental policy on long-term-care insurance. This study employed the method of questionnaire survey; the populations were targeted in Taichung City, Changhua and Nantou County in Taiwan. 222 of 250 (88.8%) questionnaires were valid and returned. Analysis of descriptive statistics, reliability and validity, independent samples t-test, one way anova, regression etc. were applied as research variables and its results were as follows: 1.There is a significant difference in distinct demographic variables on the cognition of long-term care services program 2.0. 2.In between of perceived risk and the cognition of long-term care services program 2.0, it has a significant and positive effect towards customer’s purchase intension on commercial insurance issues. Key words: perceived risk, long-term care, long-term care services program 2.0


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