  • 學位論文


A Study on Chinese Language Teaching of Junior High School in Comics, Mind Mapping, Storytelling, Acting

指導教授 : 崔成宗


國文教學是跨領域學習的課程,如何設計課程以吸引學生專注,引燃學習動機,提升教學效果,不僅學習帶來樂趣,也能透過課文中人物、故事、情節做為學習典範,激發學生思考,內化為成長的養分。國中階段是人生重要的關鍵時期,品格塑造影響一生,若能將品格教育融入國文教學,以期潛移默化,建立良好品格。 本研究以畫漫畫、繪製心智圖、說故事、演戲劇四種教學設計方法,與國文教學相結合。以現行國中國文課本為研究內容,課文型式包括散文、詩詞、文言文等,以散文居多,各課範文均還原到作者文集,亦即文章出處的原文集。採用文本研究法,並融入翻轉教室與學習共同體之教學理念。 畫漫畫教學設計:國文教學時將教學內容設計成趣味盎然的漫畫,容易引起學生的學習動機,提高學生的學習興趣。當國文遇上漫畫,圖文並茂,文字隨之舞動,印象深刻。 繪製心智圖教學設計:將課文的脈絡以文字、圖片、色彩執簡馭繁地呈現為清晰易懂的圖表,應用心智圖和國文教學相結合,可以訓練學生分析、推理、歸納的能力。 說故事教學設計:以學生為教學主體,學生將課文經由說故事完成教學活動,培養其語言表達能力,亦可融入生活經驗,擴展多元視野,增強感受力與想像力。 演戲劇教學設計:以教育戲劇理論落實於國中國文的教學活動中,運用戲劇理論與劇場的技巧,從事課堂內的教學活動,戲說課文,讓學生發揮想像,表達思想,寓教於樂。 老師是課堂的靈魂人物,老師的理想與熱情,是引導學生發現國文之美的人生導師。國文教學課堂上,視課文內容,靈活運用上述四種不同的教學設計活動,讓學生融入學習,參與其中,享受學習的樂趣,進而內化心靈世界,從知識的獲得,提升為品格教育的內涵。


Chinese Language Teaching is an interdisciplinary course. A well-organized course design effectively motivates students, attracts their attention and makes learning interesting. Through the various texts chosen, teachers inspire students' thinking and help shape their values and moral character in a critical period of their lives--junior high school years. Based on current textbooks of the Chinese course used at junior high schools, this study focuses on four teaching methods: comics, mind mapping, storytelling, and role-playing. The selected texts can be classified into four categories: modern prose, poetry, and classical literary works. Students will read the original texts rather than the abridged or paraphrased versions in the textbook. While analyzing the texts, teachers employ the techniques of flipped classroom and learning community. Comics: Drawing comics for teaching Chinese readings can add an incentive for students to learn. With illustrations or comics, readings will become lively and impressive. Mind mapping: Providing visual aids like colorful pictures and graphics or charts cultivates students' abilities to analyze, reason, and induce. Storytelling: As the subjects of teaching, students are encouraged to adapt texts into stories and read them in class. Incorporating their life experiences during the process, students not only broaden their horizons but improve their abilities in expression, perception and imagination. Acting: Applying techniques of theater and drama in education to Chinese teaching, participants are asked to write and act out mini-plays based on the texts so as to bring into full play their imagination. Drama in education is a useful tool to teach and to entertain. A teacher is an artist and the soul of a class, the passionate mentor who guides students to discover the beauty of the Chinese language. Employing four aforementioned teaching methods, teachers can lead students to a world of illumining, mind-developing, and character shaping.


陳昭智:《運用心智圖法對國中生國語文閱讀理解影響之探究》,國立暨南國際大 學課程教學與科技研究所碩士論文,民國102年。
