  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of Mind Mapping on Reading Comprehension of Students in Junior High School

指導教授 : 林志忠


本研究主要探討運用心智圖法(mind mapping)於國語文閱讀理解的影響,採用準實驗法不等組前後測設計,以55名國二學生為研究對象,進行十二週的教學實驗。透過心智圖法之運用,以及自編故事體文本、線上測驗及討論之閱讀理解策略的實驗課程安排,分析對國中生閱讀理解的習慣、歷程、即時成效、保留與遷移效果的影響。除了探討整體學生的表現,也比較心智圖法對不同性別與不同能力學生的閱讀理能力是否造成不同影響。 本研究所得結論如下: 一、運用心智圖法對整體學生的閱讀習慣造成明顯的正向影響,尤其男生的改變較女生明顯,中與低能力學生的改變也較為顯著。 二、女生的心智繪圖能力優於男生,能力高者優於能力低者。心智繪圖能力的高低與三個閱讀理解歷程皆達顯著相關。 三、整體來看運用心智圖法對國中生閱讀理解歷程未造成顯著不同的影響;但女生在「擷取訊息」、「解釋文本」歷程達到顯著差異,中能力組學生在後測總分達顯著差異。 四、心智圖法組在閱讀理解即時成效上未達顯著差異;心智繪圖能力與閱讀理解即時成效的相關亦僅有少數回次達顯著水準。 五、心智圖法組在閱讀理解保留成效上未達顯著差異;但心智繪圖能力與閱讀理解保留成效有緊密相關,尤其女生及高與低能力組學生的相關皆達顯著水準。 六、心智圖法對學生閱讀理解遷移效果未達到顯著差異。 最後根據結論,提出以下建議: 一、學校宜提供教學平台及相關電腦設備,便利師生使用;規劃閱讀課程的時間,培養閱讀習慣;並彙整不同學科領域的閱讀材料並取得相關授權,作為推廣大量閱讀的基礎。 二、進行心智圖法教學時,宜提供更充分的心智圖法學習時間,加強圖像繪製及顏色運用,善用心智圖法圖文兼具、有助聯想的特點。而繪製心智圖的工具,是要使用紙筆,還是使用電腦軟體,兩者對學生閱讀理解能力的影響是否不同,仍待進一步探討。 三、利用心智圖作為閱讀鷹架,宜考慮學生的能力高低,以斟酌內容的多寡,以利於閱讀理解。 四、未來研究所使用的閱讀評量方式不宜受限於選擇式型,最好加入多元化的閱讀理解評量方式,進一步釐清其對不同閱讀理解歷程及保留成效的影響。 五、未來研究宜加入質性資料的分析,了解不同能力學生學習心智圖法時的困難,適時協助。


心智圖法 閱讀理解 國中生


This study aims at exploring the effect of mind mapping on Chinese reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental design, nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group was used for the study. The subjects were 55 eighth-grade public junior high school students who participated in this project for 12 weeks. The experimental curriculum which included the mind-mapping strategy, reading comprehension strategies, narrative texts, on-line tests and discussion was adopted to analyze junior high school students’ reading habits, comprehension process, immediate effect, retaining and transferring. In addition to discussing the students’ overall performance, this study also aims to compare the effects of practicing mind mapping on students of different genders and achievement. The findings were as follows: 1.The performance of mind mapping has significant effects on students’ reading habits, especially on male students, low-level and mid-level students. 2.Female students’ mind-mapping drawing ability is superior to male students’. Besides, High-level students’ mind-mapping drawing ability is superior to low-level students’. The mind-mapping ability is closely related to the three reading comprehension process. 3.The effect of mind-mapping strategy on junior high school students’ reading comprehension process was non-significant. However, there was significant difference in female students’ performance on retrieving information and interpreting texts. In addition, there was significant difference in the mid-level students’ post-test performance. 4.There was no significant difference in the reading comprehension instant effect. 5.There was no significant difference in retaining. However, the mind-mapping drawing ability is closely related to reading comprehension retaining, especially on female students, high-level and low-level students. 6.There was no significant difference in reading comprehension transferring. Pedagogical implications: 1.School authorities should offer LMS (Learning Management System) and computer equipment for the teachers and students. Arranging time for reading courses in order to help students practice reading comprehension strategies and develop reading habits. 2. When practicing mind-mapping curriculum, it’s better to offer students more sufficient time to learn mind-mapping drawing so as to strengthen the abilities of applying images and colors. Further studies could be conducted to investigate the effect of practicing different mind-mapping drawing tools, hand-drawing tools or computer-drawing tools, on students’ reading comprehension. 3.When using mind map as a reading scaffold, teachers are advised to consider students’ abilities so as to decide on the amount of the content. 4.It’s recommended that multiple assessments are adopted in order to understand the effects of mind mapping on different reading comprehension process and retaining. 5.It’s recommended to analyze the qualitative data so as to understand students’ difficulties when learning mind mapping and offer them appropriate help.


丁嘉琳(2007.12)。借鏡國際 臺灣閱讀出了什麼問題。天下雜誌,387,220-222。


