  • 學位論文


Whom to share the taste of wine and poetry—Research on Drinking-Wine Ci by Li, Qing-Zhao

指導教授 : 殷善培


李清照是文學史上著名的宋代女詞人,所作之詞自出機杼,有著鮮明獨特的藝術美學,亦蘊含豐富深沉的思想內容。在傳世的李清照詞集《漱玉詞》中,酒之意象隨處可見,不論是閨閣待嫁時的少女情懷,傷春悲秋的惜花愛憐之情,或是吟詠與趙明誠相識後的情真意濃,以及靖康之變後的顛沛流離、喪夫後晚年的孤苦無依,一生跌宕起伏無不把酒與共,無酒不成詞,詞中伴隨著亦喜亦悲、或輕或淡的酒意與詩情。   《漱玉詞》45首詞作中,即有22首藉由酒之意象,凸顯她的生命與性情之體現。不論是欣喜歡愉的酣暢淋漓,或是身心俱冷的燈下獨飲,金樽所盛的不僅是酒,更是能承載她悲喜的知己,與酒形成了「酒我交融」的境界,杯中物成了對她不離不棄、悲喜與共到終老的靈魂伴侶。她的一生,恬適、閨怨、家愁、國恨種種情愫,無不有酒相伴,千思萬緒全都寄情於酒盞之中,透過詞人的吟詠,以酒入詞,酒的地位昇華至創作的催化劑,化俗為雅,使酒蘊含著深厚的文化精神內涵。   本研究嘗試透過傳世的《漱玉詞》裡的飲酒詞作,探索李清照藉酒抒懷的情感寄託,李清照獨特的「易安體」寫作藝術風格,在詞作中展示出強烈的個性意識,意境鮮明生動又蘊含細膩婉約之美,真切自然又感真摯,與酒交融的精妙文字,在詞學觀念及美學意蘊,帶給人無比雋永的審美新體驗,值得深入品味研究。本研究亦從李清照所處的兩宋時期,一併探索宋朝酒文化,從宋代酒政、酒令與宋朝女性可以公開飲酒節慶及去處,與宋代女性作家詞中的酒文學所蘊涵的精神內涵,進一步深入剖析李清照創作飲酒詞的內心世界與自我體認。


李清照 飲酒詞 漱玉詞 易安體 酒令 酒文化


Li, Qing-Zhao is a very famous female poet in Song Dynasty and she wrote ci with her own ingenuity to show unique aesthetics and profound thinking. Her renowned work “Zhuyu Ci” is full of liquor imagery. Waiting to get married, lamenting for gone days, falling in love with her husband Zhao, Ming-Cheng, drifting after Jingkang’s Difficulty and the loneliness after bereavement, she was always accompanied with wine for all the ups and downs in her life. When she wrote she drank, and all the ci was therefore full of wine imagery.   Among 45 ci in Zhuyu Ci, 22 ci have liquor imagery to vividly depict her life and personality. Wine, more than wine itself, was actually her bosom friend no matter during happiness or loneliness, and wine was also her lifelong soul mate that never left her alone. All the significant moments in her life, Li, Qing-Zhao always had wine with her to go through the comfort, sorrow, husband’s death and country demise. Through the chanting of the poetess, the wine was sublimed to catalyst of the creation and poetry, making the liquor full of profound cultural connotation.   This research explores Li Qingzhao’s expression of feelings and emotional sustenance from the works that depicting wine drinking in Zhuyu Ci. Li Qingzhao’s unique Yi-An Ci Style and artistic style demonstrates strong personality and the vivid while subtle beauty. The sincere and elaborate lines along with the wine imagery provide lasting meanings and refreshing esthetic conception to readers. In addition, the research also explores and drinking culture, wine policy, drinking game, and the places e women can go for drinking and celebrating in public during this period in Song Dynasty. With the probe into the drinking literature of Song Dynasty female poetess, we can know more about the inner world and self-recognition of the Li Qingzhao.


