  • 學位論文


The Evolutionary Market Structure of Funeral Industry in Taiwan and its Firms Transformation Strategy

指導教授 : 蔡進丁


本研究主要目的有二,其一從所收集的歷史資料,找出台灣殯葬產業的演進型態及廠商對應之轉型策略。其二,思索未來台灣殯葬產業的發展趨勢及廠商之新經營模式。本研究是以時間演進來探討殯葬產業的演進,及結合產業經濟理論的市場結構來分析三家龍頭殯葬業者的因應轉型策略。其研究範圍是從殯葬整體產業收斂至預售市場,進而探討殯葬產業之預售市場的演化及影響。研究方法是以兼具殯葬ㄧ元化的領導廠商為研究個案,並藉由專家問卷及本研究作者參與觀察與管理之經驗,運用演繹分析與歸納驗證以得出結論。 本究結論如下:1.台灣殯葬產業市場結構演化型態:本研究以時間數列及波特五力分析之主變數做交叉組合分析,發現台灣殯葬產業預售市場的演化,可分成「預售寡占期」、「預售雙寡占期」、「預售壟斷競爭期」、「預售準完全競爭及次級市場興起期」等四個階段,並從顯示「買方的談判籌碼」、「供應商的談判籌碼」、「進入障礙」、「替代品之威脅」、「競爭廠商之業態」等五項構面分析,發現台灣殯葬產業市場的競爭度有逐年增加的趨勢。2.殯葬產業的廠商轉型策略:(1)從S-C-P理論、MERSI理論及行銷4P理論的分析,發現產業的龍頭廠商在轉型時均能符合產業結構-廠商行為-績效表現的理論邏輯。(2)個案廠商的理念、策略、執控也能配合環境與資源限制作調整,三家個案廠商在四個階段的MERSI五大構面,均能清楚區隔。(3)個案廠商的4P行銷理論策略也能隨產業的變遷,在四個階段推出不同的行銷策略組合。(4)從案例分析亦顯現S-C-P、MERSI及行銷4P等理論之分析功能。3.提出產業的未來發展趨勢與新商業模式:台灣未來之殯葬產業可稱為整合-創新-轉型期,其特色是與異業結合,並不斷地開創新的商業模式。 後續建議如下:1.對殯葬業者的建議:殯葬產業面對產業發展的新型態,要有不同的策略選擇。當前殯葬廠商必須降低營運成本並加強營運獲利能力,且要不斷地創造競爭優勢,以因應殯葬產業外在環境的需求,進而維持其產業中的生存優勢。殯葬業者在面對大環境改變時,必須要有新的轉型策略。殯葬業者最好擁有多元化的商品與完整的行銷網路,並結合各總社會資源,使商品朝向多樣化的發展。2.對後續研究者的建議:(1)未來研究範圍可以加入一般的殯葬業者,以便歸納出較完整之台灣殯葬產業市場演化型態。(2)基本上本研究為質性之研究,將來可以縮小研究範圍作量化之研究。例如(a)台灣殯葬產業之HHI(廠商集中度係數)之研究(b)從博弈理論探討殯葬業者之定價策略(c)台灣殯葬產業之廠商經營績效與轉型策略之關連性(或關係係數)(d)台灣殯葬產業之廠商經營績效與產業結構及轉型策略之關連性(或關係係數)。


轉型策略 MERSI 殯葬產業


There are two main purposes of this research. First, find out the evolutional types of Taiwan Funeral Industry and the corresponding transition strategies of related firms from the historical documents. Second, figure out the development trend of Taiwan funeral industry and the new business model of the firms in the future. By discussing the evolution over time and the market structure of the economic theory of the industry, this study tries to analyze the corresponding transition strategies of three leading firms in Taiwan Funeral Industry. The scope of the study ranges from the whole funeral industry to future market, and, furthermore, it also covers the evolution and influence of the future market in this industry. The research approach is to choose three leading funeral companies as samples, which offer both funeral and burial united services. Additionally, with expert’s questionnaires and the author’s management experience in this field, the following conclusions can be drawn by deduction and induction. The conclusions are as following: 1.The evolutional types of the market structure of Taiwan Funeral Industry. With the analysis of time factor and Porter’s Five Force Analysis, it’s found that the evolution of the future market in Taiwan Funeral Industry can be divided into four phases: future market-monopoly period, future market- duopoly period, future market- monopolistic competition period, and future market- quasi perfect competition and secondary market rising period. And from the analysis of bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitute products and the intensity of competitive rivalry, the intensity of competition of Taiwan Funeral Industry seems to increase year by year. 2.The transition strategies of the funeral companies in Taiwan. (1) From the analysis of the SCP theory, MERSI theory and marketing 4P theory, the leading companies are all able to meet the theory logic of Market Structure, Firm Conduct and Performance during the period of transition. (2)The Mind, Strategy, and Implementation of sample companies are also adjusted to match up the limits of Ecosystem and Resources. The five aspects of MERSI at the four phases of three sample companies are all clearly distinctive. (3) With the transition of the industry, these companies could offer different marketing strategic mix at four phases. (4)The examination of sample cases shows the analyzing function of SCP, MERSI and Marketing 4P theory as well. 3. the future development trend of the industry and new business model. Taiwan Funeral Industry will experience the period of integration, innovation and transformation in the future. The feature of that period is that firms will cooperate with other businesses and , constantly, create new business model. The follow-up suggestions are as follows: 1.Suggestions for the funeral firms: When facing the new type of industrial development, the funeral firms should have different choice of strategy. Nowadays, in order to maintain the cutting-edge position, the funeral firms have to lower the operating costs and strengthen the operating earning power. Also, they should create the competitive advantage so as to deal with the external need of the funeral industry. Confronting the outside changes, the funeral firms must have new transition strategy. They had better possess the diversified merchandise and the integrated marketing channels. Link up various social resources so as to increase the varieties of products. 2.Suggestions for the follow-up researcher: (1) The scope of the research can expand to ordinary funeral firms so that the evolutional types of Taiwan Funeral Industry can be more complete. (2) This research is quality research basically. In the future, it can narrow the scope to do the quantity research, such as (a) the research of HHI in Taiwan Funeral Industry, (b) the discussion about the pricing strategy of funeral firms from game theory. (c) the correlation between the firm operating performance and the transition strategy in Taiwan Funeral Industry. (d) the correlation among the firm operating performance, industrial structure, and the transition strategy. Those issues are significant and worthy of further prospective study.


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黃怡婷(2011)。以共演化觀點探討企業經營模式的轉變- 以一生命禮儀廠商為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01844
