  • 學位論文


A Study of PLA's Army Transformation from Military Exercise(2009-2013)

指導教授 : 曾復生


中共陸軍面臨未來局部衝突的挑戰、信息化戰爭作戰樣式改變、聯合作戰下陸軍職能之重新定位及受西方國家軍事轉型等因素的影響下,急迫進行「中國式」的陸軍轉型,其轉型目標是建立能夠達到一體化聯合作戰要求的「全域機動、靈敏多能」之「信息化陸軍」。 而軍事演習是在想定情況誘導下進行的作戰指揮和演練,是部隊在完成理論學習和基礎訓練之後實施的近似實戰的綜合性訓練。通過演習,可以透析部隊作戰思想、戰略戰術、訓練水準、武器發展狀況及作戰保障能力。 基此,本論文採用「文獻分析法」,從信息化戰爭型態對當代陸軍的要求、中共陸軍轉型的形成因素、目標、思路及現況,進而以近年重大演習為分析主體,驗證其在作戰理論、組織編制、武器裝備等成果,並探究陸軍是否具有因應戰略環境變化進行再度轉型能力,以及在人才、教育與動員等轉型其他面向之作為。 研究發現,中共依循「三步走」戰略,構建適應現代化陸軍的作戰理論與組織架構,另方面積極構建信息化、高技術武器裝備體系,以及強化部隊信息系統一體化聯合訓練,促使武器裝備與部隊素質適應信息化作戰要求。整體而言,中共陸軍轉型建構符合其國家、軍事及軍種戰略目標,參證歷次軍事演習內容亦同步支撐陸軍轉型目標,但轉型係一漫長不間斷的過程,仍會有若干窒礙之處尚待解決,我方亦應以敵為師即早預應,思研克制作為,以確維國家安全。


PRC army is eager to transform under a lot of effects, such as challenges of future conflict, change of information war, transformation of army position and ability in joint war, transformation of western military, and so on. They are trying to transform to win the objective that building “information army” which can mobile and be competent everywhere. Military maneuver is the guidance and exercise under the scenario, and also a pervasive training that military staff can learn the theoretical and practical experiences. Through exercise, we can understand the military thinking toward war, strategy and tactics, training levels, weapon developments and operational support capabilities. Therefore, this paper is written in “document analysis” form, analyzing what today Army should does under information war, why PRC Army transforms, PRC’s goal, PRC’s thinking and status. And then further analyze major exercise in recent years, validating its operational results of theory, organizational preparation, weapons and equipment, and explore whether Army is able to transform due to changes in the strategic environment, as well as personnel, education and mobilization for the transition. The study found that PRC follows "three-step" strategy to build a theory and organizational structure that can be adapted in modern army. On the other hand, they build information technology, high-tech weapons systems and strengthen information systems to integrate joint training troops, in this way, the weapons and the quality of the troop can meet requirement of information war. As a whole, PRC’s transformations are consistent with their national, military and strategic objectives, and we can find that from the previous exercises. However, transformation is a long and ongoing process, and there will be some stifling place to be solved. Our side can take their examples a kind of early-warning sign, and try to research and take some measures to ensure our national security.


