  • 學位論文


Professional standard setups for high school teachers in Taipei City-from the stakeholders‘point of views

指導教授 : 張鈿富


本研究旨在探討身為利害關係人,臺北市高中教師對高中教師專業標準建構的觀點。透過問卷調查法,抽樣調查現場高中職教師對教師專業標準的認同比重。 本研究主要發現: 一、我國在師資培育上有努力做改變強化,希望能提升教師的教學品質與行為標準。現場高中教師普遍對「專業價值與特性」向度有較高的認同。 二、世界競爭力領先國家如美國、英國、澳洲及中國大陸皆致力於提升教師專業地位與專業授課品質,臺灣應該透過融合國際大國在師資培育上的改革經驗與我國自身的教育環境,塑型教師專業標準。 三、從利害關係人觀點來看,高中職教師雖然認同教師專業標準的發展與建構,在實務上的落實執行與理想上的標準仍有差距。應該隨著時空背景的需求,配合國家發展,適時的修正改善,以更貼近現場教學狀況。


This study aims to setup professional standards for high school teachers, from their viewpoint since they are the stakeholders of this policy. The research tool is self-designed questionnaire to current high school teachers teaching nowadays to find out their recognition to professional standards. This study has the following findings: Our government has made great efforts to improve the quality of the teachers or teachers in training program. The current teachers have high recognition to the criteria of 「professional values and characteristics」. Countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia and China show great process to improve teachers’ teaching effort, therefore, our government might merge other countries’ experience and ours’ to develop suitable professional standards to fit teachers’ behavior on site. From the stakeholders’ point of views, the professional standards and the real activities still have gaps. To eliminate the difference between the theory and the reality is the urge in the future teaching environment.


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