  • 學位論文


The Prospect and Dilemma of Cooperation under China’s “The Belt and Road” Initiative-A Case Study of the Greater Mekong Subregion Program.

指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 王國臣


「一帶一路」戰略即為「絲綢之路經濟帶」和「21世紀海上絲綢之路」。該戰略是中國尋求國際合作參與全球治理新模式的探索,並藉此企圖加強與歐亞大陸的連結,維持自身經濟發展領先地位,其中,中南半島因鄰接中國大陸,且具有重要戰略價值,是中國對外發展的首選,同時,該地區亦受到美、日、印等強國重視。 中國自1992年開始參與「大湄公河次區域經濟合作」,透過對外援助的方式來發展長期互利的經貿關係,與泰國、緬甸、柬埔寨、寮國、越南等湄公河國家維持經濟互賴的關係,藉以帶動中國西南地區經濟的成長,進而加強與東協國家的互動,增加東南亞國家對中國的依賴。尤其隨中國經濟實力不斷提升以及「一帶一路」的提出,中國持續擴大投資,欲掌握該區發展主導權,並排除美日等勢力之意圖不言可喻。 然而,中南半島國家面對中國積極發展所帶來的「中國威脅論」,促使緬甸、越南等國傾向拉攏美國、日本、印度等大國來平衡中國的勢力,希藉由區域外國家參與在GMS的合作計劃與執行,將區域內的資源轉化為經濟的優勢。


“The Belt and Road” Initiative which refers to the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”is development strategy which was put forward by China president in 2013. It is a strategy with which China tries to pursuing international cooperation and participating in global governance.And, China has proposed OBOR initiative in an attempt to strengthen ties with the Eurasian continent and to maintain its leading status in economic development.The Indochina Peninsula, due to the adjacency to China and important strategic value, was regarded as the first choice of going out by China. At the same time, this region has also been valued by other powers, such as the United States, Japan and India. In 1992, China began to participate in the “Greater Mekong sub-region cooperation”(GMS), by way of foreign aid to developing long-term and mutually beneficial economic and trade relations,the Mekong countries with Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam maintain economic interdependence of the relationship, In order to promote the growth of southwest China's economy, thereby strengthening the interaction with the ASEAN countries and Southeast Asian countries increased dependence on China.With the continuous enhancement in economy and the implementation of OBOR, China kept on increasing investment. The intentions of hoping to dominate this region and exclude the strength of the United States and Japan are very clear. However, Indochina countries face the positive developments brought about by China's "China threat theory", so that each country tends to win over the United States,Japan, India and other major powers to balance China's influence, the Greek by countries outside the region to participate in GMS cooperation program with execution, the resources within the region into economic advantages.


2.楊國樞,《社會及行為科學研究方法》(臺北:東華書局,1990 年),頁51。
3.鄭永年,《政治漸進主義》(臺北:中華歐亞基金會,2000 年),頁19;吳敬璉,《漸進與激進:中國改革道路的選擇》(北京:經濟科學,2005年),頁25-34。
