  • 學位論文


The Influences of flipped-classroom teaching model for Critical Thinking Abilities to the Students in IT course of Elementary School

指導教授 : 徐新逸


全世界的教育都在改革,儘管方法多元,從政策、制度、教學、教師到環境都不同,但全世界的教育目標都是一致的:培養能自我學習、具備思考能力的公民。最近,強調學生為中心的翻轉教室教學模式,在教育領域及熱門出版書中被大量的提及。 本研究目的在於探討翻轉教室教學模式在國小資訊課程教學對學習者批判思考能力的影響,使用準實驗研究設計,研究對象為澎湖縣某國小共67人,其中34人為實驗組,33人為控制組,兩組課程內容均以Scratch 程式設計為課程主題。實驗組學習者應用翻轉教室教學模式,於課前在youtube上觀看教學影片進行學習;控制組學習者則由授課老師以口頭、螢幕示範方式進行教學。本教學實驗為期8週,於教學前後測驗學習者批判思考的能力,再以單因子共變異分析(One-way ANCOVA)探討批判思考能力的差異。 研究結果顯示實驗組學習者在批判思考技巧(p<.05)及批判思考意向(p<.05)上的表現皆優於控制組學習者,顯示翻轉教室教模式有助於學生批判思考能力之養成。總結實驗所得到的結果,翻轉教室教學模式有其實踐價值,其所釋出的課堂時間使學習者得以學習者為中心的方式深度探索內容,營造了適合建構知識的學習環境,讓學習者得以自主掌握學習,增進學習效能、批判思考、綜合表達的能力。


Education reform have taken different forms through policies, systems, instructions, teachers and environment all around the world. While education reform had many similar goals for citizens who was acquired abilities of self-learning and critical thinking. Recently, the flipped classroom has been a hot issue among education fields and many books have been published to promote it as an innovative method to facilitate learning in communication with teachers and other learners. It promises in preparingstudents to be active participants in their own learning. The purposes of this study were to examine the influences of flipped-classroom teaching model on critical thinking abilities.A quasi-experiment study was used and four sixth graders’ classes in Penghu County were selected and random assigned into two classes to be experimental group with 34 students and the other to be control group with 33 students. The experimental group used a flipped classroom model as teaching model, and control group used a traditional teaching model, to learn "Scratch". The experimental group students watched lecture videos on youtube before classes as the control group students were lectured with oral presentation or screen demonstration. The treatment for the experiment lasted for 8 weeks and both groups took a pretest and a posttest. The findings of the study were list as follows: (1)There was significant difference between two groups on critical thinking skills(p<.05); (2) There was significant difference between two groups on critical thinking dipositions(p<.05); According to the results obtained from experiment, the flipped classroom teaching model had its practical value. Compared with the traditional teaching model, the flipped classroom teaching model shifts instruction to a learner-centered approach, where in-class time is dedicated to exploring topics in greater depth. Also, it created flexible spaces which learners choose when and where they learn. These advantages engaged students as active participants in their own learning, enhanced their abilities of learning, promote their critical thinking and oral presentation.


何胤廷(2013)。引導式學習單應用於Scratch程式設計教學之成效分析(碩士論文)。 取自http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/99551617496894398940
教育部(2013, July 3)。教育部資訊及科技教育司 楊鎮華司長-談5c人才培育【部落格影音資料】。取自https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPhLXEu4FQo
陳萬賜(2003)。以建構主義教學策略探究國小學童對生態環境議題批判思考歷程之研究(碩士論文)。 取自http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/86490835936748892134


