  • 學位論文

藥局組織經營策略之研究--- 以「躍獅連鎖藥局」為個案

The research on the strategy of the pharmacy organization --- the case of Yes Marketing Corporation

指導教授 : 洪英正 羅惠瓊


1985年以前,台灣的藥局零售產業仍屬破碎型產業,百家爭鳴,大小藥局各據一方,爭食市場。然而,近年來傳統藥局卻遭遇重大衝擊,特別是財團型連鎖藥局運用其豐厚的財力,在重要精華區商圈佈點、快速展店;更運用其高知名度的品牌優勢與媒體結合,廣泛吸引定位客層之顧客上店消費。而本型中小型連鎖藥局也以差異化經營搶佔傳統藥局之顧客。凡此總總都嚴重打擊傳統藥局的生空間,造成傳統藥局閉店危機。此外,全民健保、醫藥分業、藥局零售業務資訊化、顧客服務滿意化的需求、消費行為與消費習慣改變等因素影響下,國內藥局體系之經營已面臨劇烈競爭與重大的變革。 台灣的連鎖藥局產業從1986年發展至今已十九年,進入產業發展的成長中期財團連鎖藥局掌握連鎖藥局成功的關鍵因素:資金、規模店數、品牌優勢、商圈立地選擇、人員教育訓練、資訊科技的運用、薪資福利政策、人事穩定等,在資源與技術同質化的過程裡,本土連鎖藥局明顯居於劣勢,如何面對競爭、永續經營,更成為本土連鎖藥局經營者嚴重關切的問題。故本論文特別從台灣第一家本土連鎖藥局—「躍獅連鎖藥局」的發展過程探討環境與趨勢的變化,以及迎應之道,以收集思廣益之功。 評估2005年至2008年將是各類型連鎖藥局積極展店的時代,同時也是本土各連鎖藥局絕佳的整合期。2008年至2011年為區域型連鎖對抗全國型連鎖的時代,2012年起則是財團型連鎖對抗財團型連鎖的時代。本研究對於連鎖藥局定義如下:狹義之連鎖藥局為由同一總公司集中擁有或控制兩家或以上具有相同企業識別系統、品牌形象、統一管理或兼具契約或直屬關係的經營體系;廣義之連鎖藥局泛指具連鎖經營之技術、制度與後勤支援系統之直營或加盟連鎖體系以及產銷會員制之共生組織。本研究採深度訪談法,以獨立藥局經營者、連鎖藥局經營者、製藥業者、代理經銷商、學者專家為訪談對象,探討藥局組織經營策略對藥局生態發展之 影響。依此 1、 提供傳統藥局經營者對趨勢之研判,以迎應變局。 2、 提醒傳統藥局的經營者:具備專業與創新的服務,是重要的核心競爭能力。 3、 本研究針對藥局經營業提出建議,俾能在擬定未來發展策略時有所助益。 4、 本研究也提醒各型連鎖藥經營者能加強核心能力與價值鏈之串聯,調整策 略、整合通路之經營情報與產業業動向,加強品牌之經營,以創造品牌優勢。 5、 本土型連鎖藥局應確實檢視其企業之優勢與劣勢、環境之機會與威脅,以擬定經營、發展策略,在適當時機採取聯合採購、整合、購併…等策略,迎應財團型連鎖藥局快速展店之衝擊與威脅,永續經營。 最後,期望本研究能促使藥局產業環境的良性發展,以優質的專業服務取代惡性殺價競爭,任何類型藥局經營者皆能以道德、專業、愛心的理念,保障民眾用藥安全與維護民眾健康,創造優於顧客期待的、滿意的服務。


Before 1985, most Taiwanese drug stores, no matter what they are big or small, have sold the drugs by retials. Every store owned their own territories. Nowadays, the traditional drug stores have faced some tremendous impacts, especially when the consortia or financial groups use their superior financial abilities to spread and expend their locations fastly on most essential business quarters. Moreover, they connect their brand names and medium together and widely attract the sights and interests of most consumers and customers. The local type drug chain stores, medium or small, use the differential management method to share the customers of the traditional type drug stores and the traditional type drug stores are therefore faced an unforbiddable challenge or even practically, have some crisises to close their stores. Besides, the new national health insurance systems, medicine-drug separation systems, the computerization of retail business, the requirements and satisfactions of cutomers and the reactions and habits of consumres are all the factors that influence the management and existence of drug stores in Taiwan. It has been 19 years since 1986 when the new idea of chain stores was firstly introduced to Taiwan. In the mid period, the consortia chain stores played a main roles of the success of the development of chain stores in Taiwan, such as capitals, numbers of stores, brand names, selection of locations and points, trainning and education of staffs, application of data and informations, benefit and salary policy and the stability of personnel managements etc. In the process of homogenization of resource and technology, the local type drug chain stores are obviously in a disadvantageous positions and how to face the challenge and how to maintain their eternal business become serious subjects for owners of all local drug chain stores. With this thesis, we explore the changes of environment and trend of the first pharmacy chain store inTaiwan, Yes Marketing Corporation (Yes pharmacy chain), so we may know how to face the problems and troubles, thenprevent the unnecessary and worthless investments or loses. We expect all kinds and types of drug chian stores extend their branches from 2005 to 2008, meanwhile it is also the best time of unificationfor local type drug chian stores. From 2012, consortia type chain stores will fight hand to hand witheach other according to the route and experience of the delveloped countires around the world. This research defines the drug chain stores as follows. A simple or brief explanation means it owns or control two or more drug stores that have the same identification system, brand name, unified management or a system that has contract or direct managing relationship. For wide explanaiton, it means that complete sets of managing technology, supply and support systems, memberships and orgnizations of direct or allied produce and sales systems. This research uses interview method and collects informations and data from the owners of the individual chain stores, owners of manufactuers, distributors, agents and specialists etc.,therefore, we get the following results and conclusions: 1. Owners of local drug stores have to pay attention to the market informations and trends to follow up the market changes. 2. Specialty and innovative services are the most important ways to maintain good competition and reputation for the traditional type drug stores. 3. This research offers different suggestions for the owners of all kinds of drug stores and it is helpful when they will plan their future deveoping schedule or policy. 4. This research also reminds the owners of area-type drug chain stores or small or medium sizes local drug chain stores to strengthen and unify their ability and value chain, adjust the policy of expending their branches and points, combine managing information and business trends of head quarter, enhance the reputation and credit of their brand names. 5. The local type drug chain stores have to examine and study the advantages and disadvantages of their owns and survey chances and dangers of environments, in order to make a good developing policy. They have to carry on the combined purchasing method, unification or mergence etc. at right times to face the impacts and challenge of fast expending markets from consortia type drug chain stores. We finally hope that this research has some assistance for the developement of all kinds of drug store in Taiwan with good quality and specialty sevices instead of dumping or blind competition. Owners of all kinds of drug stores have to face the morality, care and specialty to offer a better and satisfactory services for cusotmers. It is all pharmacies important responsibility to ensure our customers using the correct drugs and taking care them in good health all the time.


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