  • 學位論文


A Large Group Decision Making Method to Rank Strategies for Preventing Drunk Driving in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陶治中


本研究旨在提供一個三階段研究程序進行我國酒駕防制策略之優先排序。首先設計選擇酒後駕車之影響因素問卷,透過對一般駕駛人的飲酒、駕車、個人認知等相關經驗與行為之了解,找出影響駕駛人選擇是否酒後駕車的因素以及對防制策略的意見看法。其次,依照影響因素問卷之分析結果建立酒駕防制策略架構,包含目標、評估準則與策略研擬。最後,蒐集酒駕議題相關利害關係人對酒駕防制策略架構的意見,透過其對準則與策略之評價,利用大群體決策方法求得各策略之有效程度排序,以作為日後規劃酒駕防制相關法律、政策之參考。 本研究發現「過去是否有酒後駕車經驗」、「法律認知程度」、「安全風險認知程度」、「駕車時的清醒程度」、「被警察攔檢機率」、「自我控制能力」以及「年齡」等為顯著影響酒駕行為之因素。最後策略評選結果顯示,較有效果的對應策略為透過「法律面」的約束,其中以「加強執法取締」的有效程度最高,其次為「實施沒入車輛」與「實施罰役」。 依據本研究三階段研究程序之綜合結果,本研究認為我國酒駕防制策略應著重在處罰的相關法規訂定,特別是在沒入車輛、罰役的實施,同時配合高頻率、嚴格的執法取締,可有效降低駕駛人酒後駕車的僥倖心態。與此同時,亦應一併實施加重社會壓力的策略與推動酒駕教育宣導,則可藉由不同構面的嚇阻、教化以達成酒後駕車防制之目標。


This study aims at proposing a three-stage research approach to rank strategies of preventing drunk driving in Taiwan. Firstly, a questionnaire survey is conducted to identify factors that influence drivers to choose drunk driving, such as drinking frequency, driving behavior, personal cognition. Secondly, a framework of strategies for preventing drunk driving including goals, evaluation criteria and strategies is set up. Finally, a large group decision making method is used to rank strategies for preventing drunk driving. The result of logistic regression analysis found that drunk driving experience, knowledge of related regulation, level of safety awareness, level of intoxication, perceived likelihood of enforcement, self-control capability and age can significantly affect a driver’s choice on drunk driving. The ranking results of the prevention strategies further indicates that “intensive law enforcement” is the most effective strategy to perform, followed by “confiscation of vehicles” and “immediate short-term detention”. In summary, this study found that the most effective strategies to avoid drivers from drunk driving are enforcement-related. Thus, we suggest that the preventing strategies in Taiwan should be given greater priorities to intensive law enforcement along with implementing vehicle impoundment and immediate short-term detention. Meanwhile, strategies that rise social pressures and promote cognition are also effective and necessary. Through multiple facets of prevention, a more comprehensive solution can be developed.


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