  • 學位論文


Impact of Bilingual Experience in Mandarin and Taiwanese on Mandarin Phonological Perception.

指導教授 : 田意民


語言經驗對語言使用者的語言心智處理歷程影響一直是個重要的議題。臺灣是個多語言的環境,其中更以國語、臺語的雙語言使用者占多數,本研究以臺語經驗影響國語的語言處理歷程為研究題材,來探討這個議題。 研究一:語言經驗與臺語詞彙能力調查,目的在於探討臺灣語言使用者的多語言經驗,並試圖量化不同程度的臺語經驗以作為研究二、三語言經驗區分依據。以臺灣本地大學生作為研究對象,令其填寫自編臺語詞彙音譯測驗、語言經驗問卷。結果發現臺語詞彙音譯分數與臺語經驗呈正相關,並透過臺語詞彙音譯分數高、低篩選出高臺語經驗組及低臺語經驗組。 研究二:語音區辨作業;研究三:字-音配對作業,其目的均為探討不同程度的臺語經驗對國語語音知覺的影響。研究對象依循上述研究一之結果所篩選出的兩個組別(高臺語經驗組、低臺語經驗組),並額外招募中國大陸交換學生(陸生組)。所有參與者進行語音區辨作業及音-字配對作業,刺激材料包括五種國語語音類別(捲/非舌音、塞音、擦音、鼻音、塞擦音),採用兩種刺激配對方式(同類別、跨類別),並記錄正確率與反應時間。 整體結果中發現,在語音區辨作業及音-字配對作業中,同類別較跨類別正確率差,且反應時間長。顯示在語音知覺中,同類別的語音對比相較於跨類別的語音對比困難且須反應較久。而本研究關鍵之發現為,相對於其他的語音類別及配對方式,唯有在捲/非捲舌音的同類別上,有語言經驗上的差異(高臺語經驗組<低臺經驗組=陸生組),顯示高臺語經驗者在捲舌音與非捲舌音對比的語音知覺較差。更進一步延伸觀點,發現臺語經驗確實會影響部分國語語音對的語音知覺,即便受試者每天使用國語作為主要溝通語言,這樣的臺語經驗對語音知覺影響仍然持續到成年。


The influence of language experience on language users' mental processing has always been an important issue. Taiwan has an abundant environment with multiple languages, and the majority of people are Mandarin-Taiwanese bilinguals. This research investigated how Mandarin-Taiwanese bilingual experiences influence the phonological processing of Mandarin. In study 1, we used the Language Contact Profile questionnaires to measure the experiences of Taiwanese. The scores served as the indices to assign participants into groups for the following studies. In studies 2 and 3, we adopt a phoneme discrimination task and a phoneme recognition task to investigate phonological processing of Mandarin. Participants were assigned into two groups (high level of Taiwanese, HT; low level of Taiwanese, LT) according to study 1. Additionally, we recruited students from China as the monolingual control group of Mandarin (MM). Materials included Mandarin syllables from five phonetic contrasts (retroflex, stop, fricative, affricate, nasal). In studies 2 and 3, we adopt a phoneme discrimination task and a phoneme recognition task to investigate phonological processing of Mandarin. The results revealed that a selective discrimination disadvantage of retroflex for HT relative to LT and MM groups. It suggests the view that bilingual experience will influence language users' phoneme discrimination and recognition in adults.


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