  • 學位論文


The histological study of low level laser therapy on wound healing process of skin

指導教授 : 廖克剛


中文摘要 本篇主要探討利用低能量雷射針對老鼠背部皮膚組織傷口照射後,在癒合過程中形態上之觀察;實驗方法利用手術刀在老鼠的胸背部切開四條長約1.2公分,間距約0.8公分相互平行的傷口。四條傷口各以不同方式進行處理,第一條傷口不作任何處理當對照組,第二條傷口以優碘液塗抹於傷口,第三條傷口以氦氖雷射連續照射一分鐘,第四條傷口以二極體雷射連續照射一分鐘等條件進行處理;在30分鐘到72小時之間內,分別取下老鼠皮膚組織,進行橫向組織切片,蘇木精與伊紅染色、掃描式電子顯微鏡樣品製作,光學顯微鏡(Carl Zeiess Axioplan 2) 和電子顯微鏡(JEOL TMS-300 Scanning microscopy) 觀察、攝影(ilford)。歸納其傷口癒合的主要流程,出血而後凝血情形。 傷口癒合先形成痂(crust),接著在痂之下進行修復,而後痂的脫落,傷口重塑平整。在實驗觀察結果中,兩種低能量雷射之間沒有特別的差異,但兩者均比優碘組和對照組,尤其是二極體雷射與對照組和優碘組比較有明顯的差異(P<0.05),表示,給予照射二極體雷射修復的速度較快;但由於老鼠在傷口修復的速度相當快,很難作確切的時間差。若加大時間差的間隔,我們認為可加入一定劑量的感染源(如金黃葡萄球菌稀釋液) 以延緩其傷口癒合的速率,其各項處理條件的改變可能加大癒合時間的間隔,以利臨床之應用。


英文摘要 Abstract Low level laser can be used clinically to repair the soft tissue during the process of wound healing. However, no clear report concerning the beneficial mechanism of diode laser (one of the low lever laser) under the morphological level has been reported. Thus, the present study is aimed to determine the advanced effect of diode laser on wound healing after an incisive injury with light and scanning electro-microscopic approaches. Adult male Wistar rats subjected to four cutting wounds (1.0 cm long and 1.2 cm depth each) on the back skin simultaneously were used in this study. The first wound serving as control was remained untreated, wile the others were treated with 1% iodine, He-Ne laser and diode laser, respectively, for 30 min, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, and 48h, successively. The present results indicated that following 24h of incisive injury, some clots and crusts were appeared in all wounds regardless of treating methods. However, at 48h post-incisive injury, numerous proliferate epithelial cells were identified in the lesion site in which the highest quantity was detected in the wound receiving diode laser treatment. Based on these histological findings, we conclude that the mechanism of diode laser to improve the healing process is through the enhanced generation of epithelial cells and hence, shorten the healing period.


low level laser Diode laser wound healing


of low level laser therapy in various wavelengths on
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