  • 學位論文


The intervention of dietary fibers in weight loss treatment for subjects with different weight loss beliefs

指導教授 : 翁玉青


本研究目的在了解膳食纖維介入減重後對不同減重信念之減重成效的評估。研究對象先完成自填式問卷,內容包括:基本資料、減重信念量表、生活品質問卷。將研究對象隨機分為膳食纖維組及安慰劑組,分別給予洋車前子及檸檬粉末及檸檬粉製成的安慰劑粉末。再將膳食纖維組依照減重信念量表之得分分組,高於整組平均得分者為實驗A組,低於整組平均得分者為實驗B組。進行為期6週之平行研究。有效樣本膳食纖維組為20人,控制組為19人。結果發現:(1) 以膳食纖維介入減重六週後之身體脂肪重量明顯降低。 (2) 以膳食纖維介入減重六週後其飲食攝取量明顯減少,包括熱量、蛋白質、醣類及膽固醇。(3) 膳食纖維介入減重信念佳者,身體脂肪重量減少。(4) 膳食纖維介入減重信念佳者,飲食攝取情形皆有改善。(5)減重信念較佳者其健康相關生活品質之得分也較高。膳食纖維應用在減重信念佳者比減重信念不佳者有較好的減重成效。本研究結果可以運用在減重治療上,營養師在減重治療過程中除了執行預定的減重方法外,應設法加強病患的減重信念、協助克服減重障礙,以達成更好的減重成效。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the result on the intervention of dietary fiber in weight loss treatment for subjects with different weight loss beliefs. This self-administered questionnaire designed for subjects includes basic information, weight loss belief scale, and a questionnaire on quality of life. Subjects were randomly divided into dietary fiber group which were given with psyllium and lemon powder and the placebo group with lemon powder as placebo in 6 week study. According to the mean of weight loss belief scale scores, we divided dietary fiber group into group A and group B, which individually had better and worse beliefs. The results showed that: (1) The body fat of the dietary fiber group subjects significantly reduced after six weeks. (2) Dietary intake including calories, protein, carbohydrates and cholesterol decreased significantly in the dietary fiber group subjects. (3) Subjects of group A reduced their body fat in experimental period. (4) Dietary intake condition of group A subjects had improved. (5) Those with better weight loss beliefs also had higher scores of health-related quality of life. The combination of use of dietary fiber and weight loss beliefs achieved the weight loss goal more effectively. The finding of this study can be applied to weight loss treatment. Dietitians should seek to strengthen patients’ weight-loss beliefs, assist to overcome the weight loss block to achieve better results.


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