  • 學位論文


Correlation between Binocular Vision and Visual Behavioral Performance in Taiwan High Technology Industrial Technicians:an example of Central Taiwan High Technology Industrial Technicians

指導教授 : 蘇國禎
共同指導教授 : 鄭靜瑩(Ching-Ying Cheng)


目的 臺灣從事高科技產業的人口目前正逐年上升,但近年來由於長時間使用電腦或其他電子產品造成眼睛酸澀、發紅、疼痛、視力模糊等不適症狀之患者相較早期有大幅增多之趨勢,而本研究旨在對工作需使用電腦或是電子產品的從業人員進行雙眼視覺檢測及生活視覺表現之評估,希望釐清兩者之間的關聯性。 方法 本研究對象收納年齡為18至35歲之臺灣高科技產業從業人員,研究場所在中山醫學大學視光系之專業驗光實驗室,而研究所使用的研究工具與檢查人員均經過充分訓練並通過信度與效度的考驗。研究對象先填寫基本資料及CVSS-17問卷之後,接著進行驗光與雙眼視覺檢查,檢查項目包含他覺式驗光、自覺式驗光、遠(近)距離之眼位測量、雙眼聚散能力測驗、調節能力測驗、立體視覺與聚合近點測驗等。測量結束後將所有研究對象之檢測結果、基本資料、CVSS-17問卷得分,以SPSS V22.0進行統計分析。 結果 研究結果顯示臺灣高科技產業從業人員的雙眼視覺機能與臨床常用的Scheiman 標準值、Morgan 標準值和 OEP 期望值,有多項達到統計學上的顯著差異;而在與2020年的臺灣常模對比後發現,本研究受測者在遠方基礎眼位、聚散能力、調節能力均達到統計學上的顯著差異,推測可能與高科技產業從業人員的工作習慣與視覺需求與非從業人員有所不同所導致。 CVSS-17問卷得分中發現,臺灣高科技產業從業人員對於長時間使用電腦後眼睛的疲勞感、疲累感及乾澀的發生頻率及嚴重程度皆較高,代表此類症狀為大部分臺灣高科技產業從業人員在長時間使用電子產品後,最可能產生且最明顯的症狀。 在性別方面,經統計分析發現在某些環境因子得分以及總得分上亦呈現顯著之差異性,經比較顯示從事高科技產業的女性受到環境的影響產生的不適症狀嚴重程度及發生頻率皆高於男性;在使用電腦的時間長短部分,研究者亦對CVSS-17的得分進行相關性分析,結果顯示使用電腦時間越長,產生疲勞、酸澀、乾眼及畏光症狀頻率就愈高;另外,台灣高科技產業從業人員在聚散能力方面的測試數據高於國際標準值及一般人,但調節能力卻明顯較低。 討論 研究結果顯示臺灣高科技產業從業人員之雙眼視覺機能與臨床常用的Scheiman標準值、Morgan標準值及OEP期望值皆有顯著差異性,且與一般非高科技產業從業人員亦有明顯差異,當然也有可能是本研究收案的對象均為非老花的成人與青壯年,表示受試者雖然長時間從事高科技相關產業但年資尚不夠資深,出現的症狀可能相對的不會太嚴重,另外,本研究所收集之個案並非從事相同工作亦可能導致檢查結果有高估或低估的狀況,關於不同工作強度是否進一步造成雙眼視覺的異動還需進一步檢驗,未來的研究或許可以針對這些進行討論。


Purpose The population of Taiwan high-tech industries is currently increasing year by year. However, in recent years, due to prolonged use of computers or other electronic products, the number of patients with uncomfortable symptoms such as eye strain, eye redness, eye pain, and blurred vision has increased significantly compared with earlier time period. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between binocular visual function and visual performance in high-tech industry group. Methods There were 36 subjects aged from 18 to 35 years old were recruited in this study. At first, after filling out basic information and the CVSS-17 questionnaire,were performed on all subjects binocular vision examinations. The examinations included objective refraction, subjective refraction, distance and near phoria measurements, and binocular vergence ability test , accommodation test, and stereo acuity test. All data were statistically analyzed with SPSS V22.0 software. Results The results of the study showed that the value of the binocular vision function of Taiwan high-tech industry group has statistically significant differences compared with Scheiman, Morgan, and OEP expected value. Similar results were shown in the Taiwan binocular visual function standard study, which was conducted during 2020.Distance phoria, convergence and divergence, and accommodation showed statistically and obvious differences, which may result from high visual demands of high-tech industrial technicians Furthermore, CVSS-17 questionnaires showed participants in this study had a higher frequency and severity of symptoms in eye fatigue, eye strain and dryeyes after prolonged use of computers. In addition, female complained of more symptoms and worse conditions than male, and the longer time of computer use, the higher frequency of symptoms in eye fatigue, eye strain, dryeyes and photophobia. Participants also showed higher vergence and worse accommodative function than the international and Taiwan standard.They was a certain degree of correlation and predictability between binocular visual functions and clinical response. Discussion Whether it was binocular visual function or CVSS-17 subjective score, it showed significant difference in functions and clinical symptoms, especially comparing with international or Taiwan expected values. Although Although the situation is not too serious, it is enough to represent that the situation might get worse and worse if patients had presbyopic, binocular dysfunction, or even work in high-tech related industries for a long priod of time, that would be worth for further investigations.


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