  • 學位論文


The influence of gender role attitude on parent-child communication in the reflective narrative: take the decision of college major as an example.

指導教授 : 田意民


本研究目的分為兩個部分,一部分是了解大學生的性別角色態度與雙親教養是否有關,且是否會影響其生涯抉擇。第二部分是在科系的選填時的親子溝通歷程,不同性別、性別角色態度的人,在字詞的使用是否有所差異,或是有不同的語言風格,以及在有性別衝突的狀況下,衝突程度的高低與字詞使用的差異。生理性別可顯現在一個人的外在,而性別角色態度則是個人的內在價值觀,所以我們假設不同生理性別以及不同性別角色態度的人在親子溝通歷程會有所差異,希望透過反思科系選擇時的親子溝通歷程,進一步探討性別角色態度與語言風格。在研究一中,本研究以大學生性別角色印象及態度量表、生涯信念檢核表、雙親教養態度量表等量表進行調查。在研究二,則以反思寫作來看大學生反思當初科系抉擇的過程,搭配中文語文探索與字詞計算(C-LIWC)分析反思寫作的字詞使用比率。本研究以大學生為受試對象,採滾雪球法進行取樣,共有 135位參與者。研究一結果發現,在性別角色態度、生涯信念與父母教養態度之間的關聯性分析中,孩子的性別角色態度與父母教養無相關,但是父母彼此的教養類別達顯著,這表示孩子的性別角色態度會受到後天環境的影響,重新自我思考調整;生涯信念檢核表中性別刻板印象與性別角色態度呈現正相關,一個人在做職涯規劃時,確實會受到其性別角色態度所影響。在研究二中,在反思寫作的文本分析中發現,中性系的女生使用較多家庭詞、男性使用較多生氣詞,可見在不考慮科系與性別一致程度的情況下,女性較注重家庭這因素,而男性則是因為少有親子溝通容易對自我的選擇產生不悅的情緒;性別角色態度非傳統且中性系的人使用較多第一人稱單數,這表示在不考慮科系與性別一致程度下,非傳統的人比較以自我主觀想法去溝通;親子溝通上的性別衝突可能會以其他形式間接呈現(例如:衝突的對象等),且親子衝突對象多為父親,可能與家庭中父親是掌權者有關。性別角色態度是一個人內在價值觀的呈現,相較於生理性別的區分,更可以完整地呈現出語言風格的差異。另外,一個人的性別角色態度會影響其職涯的選擇,而性別角色態度受到後天影響相較父母教養顯著,持續推廣性別平等的教育、政策等,是有助於性別角色態度的形成。


The purpose of this study is divided into two parts. The first part is to understand whether the gender role attitudes of college students and the parenting styles of their parents are related and whether they affect their career choices. The second part is to investigate the communication process between parents and children during the selection of majors, whether there are differences in word usage or language style among people with different genders and gender role attitudes, and the differences in word usage under the condition of gender conflict and the degree of conflict. Since biological sex can be manifested externally, while gender role attitude reflects personal values, we assume that there will be differences in the communication process between parents and children for people with different biological sexes and gender role attitudes. By reflecting on the communication process during the selection of majors, we hope to further explore the relationship between gender role attitudes and language style. In study 1, we apply Gender Impression and Attitude Scale, Career Beliefs Checklist, and Parental Bonding Instrument, while using reflective narrative writing and C-LIWC to bring out the process in the major selection of each participant and analyze the word frequency. The study uses snowball sampling and collected 135 valid questionnaires of college-student participants. In study 1, no correlation between gender role attitudes and parental styles. However, it shows a positive correlation in parenting styles among these checklists and indicates that gender role attitudes are indeed affected by nurture. The Career Beliefs Checklist shows the positive correlation between gender stereotypes and gender role attitudes, which reveals the important role of gender role attitudes in career planning. In study 2, according to the textual analysis of reflective narrative writing, the study finds that females with gender-neutral majors use more family synonyms; however, males use more anger synonyms. It is obvious that females take family factors into account without considering consistency with major and gender. On the other hand, the male is easily affected by negative emotions of self-determination due to the lack of parental communication. The participants whose gender role attitudes are non-conventional and with gender-neutral majors use “first person singular pronouns” more often, as they convey their subject-oriented viewpoints without considering consistency with major and gender. Parent-child conflict may break out in other ways, (e.g., the people one fights with), and it happens especially with the father, who is more influential in the family. Compared to the distinction of sex, gender role attitudes reflect not only the interpersonal value but also the distinction in linguistic styles as a whole. On the other hand, gender role attitudes influence career planning, while gender role attitudes are indeed affected by nurture. This study suggests that reducing the influence of gender stereotypes on gender role attitudes may promote parent-child communication and gender equity.


王悅民(2007)。露與藏。教育心理學報,43(3),657-679。 http://dx.doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20110107
王淑華 (2013)。高職生親子關係、父母教養方式與青少年價值觀關係之研究 [未出版之碩士論文]。國立高雄師範大學教育學系。
