  • 學位論文


Studies on Reference Intervals in Clinical Laboratory among Schoolchildren in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 林定邦


研究目的:在台灣中部地區未有對學童篩檢糖尿病、肝臟及腎臟功能的生化測試之參考值文章發表,本研究之目標是針對學童實施生化測試的數據分析結果,以作為小兒科的臨床生化數據參考值用。 研究方法及資料:我們從中部地區六個縣市的各公私立學校總共篩檢有4326個檢體,包括幼稚園2029個、1624位國小學童、325個國中生以及他們的老師348位為抽樣對象。每位孩童皆經由家長立同意書後,從靜脈採血取得血清,以自動化儀器Beckman Synchron CX5 Analyzer測試:丙胺酸轉胺酶 (ALT) 值、血糖值、血中尿素氮 (BUN) 值、肌酸酐值 (Cr) 以及血中尿素氮/肌酸酐 (B/C) 的比值等之檢驗,以落在第2.5至第97.5百分位的非參數範圍內,評估其參考值的數據。 研究結果:除了B/C比值之外,成年人的生化分析值都要比孩童的高且有統計學上之意義,依多變數複迴歸分析法所得值,男性都要比女性高的且具統計學上之差異,血糖及肌酸酐值是隨著年齡的增加而上升,相反地,B/C比值是隨著年齡的增加而遞減之。 結論與建議:我們的研究提供了新的小兒科參考值 (第2.5至第97.5百分位) 的數據:血清糖濃度為60至99 mg/dL、丙胺酸轉胺酶 (ALT) 值是8至 38 IU/L、血清肌酸酐 (Cr) 值為0.4至1.1 mg/dL、血尿素氮 (BUN) 值從8.7至18 mg/dL、B/C比值是10到34之間,孩童的B/C比值要比成年人來得高,這可能是小孩對蛋白質的攝取需求量高之故。


Objects: Reference intervals of biochemical tests for screening diabetes mellitus, liver and renal functions among school children in central Taiwan had never been documented. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating and establishing the reference intervals of the abovementioned biochemical tests for pediatric populations. Methods and Materals: A total of 4326 subjects including 2,029 kindergarten children, 1,624 elementary schoolchildren, 325 junior high schoolchildren, and 348 teachers were randomly selected in central Taiwan. All serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine and glucose were determined using the automatic machine by Beckman Synchron CX5 analyzer. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software (Ver. 8.0.1; SPSS Inc.). The reference intervals reflected the estimate of 2.5th-97.5th percentiles of non-parametric distributions. Results: Adults had significantly higher biochemical analyte values (excepted BUN / creatinine [B/C] ratio) than children. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that males had a significantly higher biochemical analytes value than females. The concentrations of glucose and creatinine increased with age. On the contrary, the B/C ratio decreased with age. Conclusion and Suggestion: The reference intervals (2.5th-97.5th percentiles) is 60-99 mg/dL for serum glucose concentrations, 8-38 IU/L for ALT values, 0.4-1.1 mg/dL for creatinine concentrations, 8.7-18 mg/dL for BUN concentrations, and 10-34 for B/C ratio in this study. The B/C ratio was higher than the reference intervals in children. It may be that children were higher protein intakers.


of Taiwanese youth: norms based on health-related physical
Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome. Available from:
行政院衛生署.血糖密碼126.Available from:
American Diabetes Association. Direct and Indirect Cost of
Diabetes in The United States in 1992. Alexandria, Va.,
