  • 期刊


Growth Charts of Taiwanese Youth: Norms Based on Health-Related Physical Fitness


目的:近年來台灣兒童及青少年之肥胖盛行率逐漸增高,由全人口採樣所訂定之生長標準值的合理性也漸受質疑,本研究嘗試以健康體適能為準據,排除肥胖或瘦弱之個案後,建立體重、身高及身體質量指數之生長曲線圖。 方法:以1997年台閩地區中小學學生體能檢測之常模研究中,男生444,652人,女生433,555人為母樣本,學生接受800/1600公尺跑走、屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠、坐姿體前彎的測驗,四項健康體適能測驗結果皆優於25百分位值之個案作為子樣本,再探討子樣本中不同性別及年齡別之體重、身高及身體質量指數的分佈。 結果:依據以上方法所得的體重及身體質量指數之高百分位曲線,比過去依全人口採樣所得之的曲線為低,身高之生長曲線無明顯差異;比較美國疾病控制及預防中心發表的生長曲線圖,顯示與國內青少年之差異極為明確,現階段使用台灣地區標準值來評估本地之生長狀況仍有其必要。 結論:在尚未有更好的準據出現之前,依據健康體適能所訂定之生長曲線圖,應該是評估兒童或青少年各項體位測量之妥適標準。


Objectives: The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity has caused the increase of body weight in children and adolescents. The validity of growth standards calculated from general population is therefore been questioned. The present study tried to present the weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) charts which using health-related physical fitness as criteria to exclude the obese or thin ones. Methods: The sample was based on a survey of 444,652 boys and 433,555 girls in the 1997 Nation-wide Children and Youth Fitness Study. The fitness tests included: 800/1600-m run/walk, standing long jump, bent-leg curl-ups, and sit-and-reach test. The students whose performances were better than the lowest quartile in all of these four tests were enrolled as sub-sample. Percentile data were calculated from these criterion-based sub-samples according to gender and sex. Results: The resulting growth curves are lower than those of the previous population-based standards in the upper range of weight and BMI. No significant difference in body height was observed. Comparison of these charts with corresponding charts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed substantial differences at teen-ager. It emphasizes the necessity for the use of locally based norms for assessing growth of Taiwanese youth. Conclusions: The growth charts based on health-related physical fitness could serve as a valid standard for anthropometrical measurements in children and adolescents, at least until a better criterion is available.


Lai, D. S. (2010). 臺灣中部地區學童的臨床檢驗參考值之研究 [doctoral dissertation, Chung Shan Medical University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2010.00060
