  • 學位論文


The Influence of Surface Emotional Labor on Job Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Care Quality: The moderating effect of workplace violence

指導教授 : 初麗娟


護理人力不足以致多數護理人員需承受更多的工作量,同時,也被要求展現高度的情緒勞動。護理人員長期情緒勞動下之情緒壓力承載,可能導致不好的工作結果。本研究擬探討護理人員淺層情緒勞動對工作績效、組織公民行為與照護品質的影響。再者,近年來台灣醫院頻傳暴力事件,經常受到職場暴力的護理人員,會產生許多的負面情緒。當護理人員被醫院要求展現更多的情緒勞動的同時,或許她的淺層情緒勞動的頻次會增加。是故,本研究進一步要探討的是職場暴力是否能有效調節淺層情緒勞動與工作績效、組織公民行為、照護品質之關係。本研究採橫斷面結構式問卷進行調查,以中台灣某區域教學醫院之女性護理人員做為問卷主要施測對象。問卷內容包括「淺層情緒勞動」、「工作績效」、「組織公民行為」、「照護品質」、「職場暴力」五個面向及人口統計變項。共發放250份問卷,回收樣本數為238份問卷,扣除17份無效樣本,最後有效問卷數為221份,有效問卷回收率為88%。迴歸分析顯示淺層情緒勞動對工作績效、組織公民行為與照護品質有顯著的負向關聯(β = -.22,p<0.01;β = -.31,p<0.01;β = -.34,p<0.01;依續)。淺層情緒勞動程度愈高者,其工作績效、組織公民行為與照護品質愈不佳。而職場暴力有效調節淺層情緒勞動與組織公民行為、照護品質之負向關係(β = -.18,p<0.01;β = -.19,p<0.01;依續)。當職場暴力愈頻繁,會強化淺層情緒勞動的展現,進而降低組織公民行為與照護品質。醫院當局應妥善管理、調整護理人員的情緒勞動。同時,全力避免職場暴力的發生,打造優質安全的醫療環境。


The aim of this study was to examine the relationships of emotional labor (surface acting) with job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and care quality, as well as to identify the role of workplace violence in moderating these relationships. A total of 221 registered employed nurses participated in this cross-sectional study and completed a list of structured questionnaires which included emotional labor (surface acting), job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, care quality, and workplace violence. All hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression analyses. The results show that emotional labor (surface acting) is significantly associated with the job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and care quality of hospital nurses (β = -.22,p<0.01;β = -.31,p<0.01;β = -.34,p<0.01;respectively), whereas workplace violence can moderate the relationships of emotional labor (surface acting) with the organizational citizenship behavior and care quality (β = -.18, p<0.01; β = -.19, p<0.01;respectively). When nurses display frequently emotional labor (surface acting), the enhancement engendered by displaying surface acting can undermine the nurses’ job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and care quality. In addition, workplace violence heightened nurses’ surface emotional labor, and these surface acting decrease nurses’ organizational citizenship behavior and care quality. Motivating nurses to spontaneously exhibit emotional labor (deep acting) is crucial to hospitals. In addition, it is important to adopt various prevention practices of workplace violence. At last, we are looking forward to cutting down the incidence of workplace violence and then create a safer and higher quality working environment.


林鉦棽 (2003),以組織承諾及工作滿足為實徵切入分析組織公民行為與員工工作考績之結構模式比較,人力資源管理學報,3(2), 93-113。
